SQL Server

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Benefits and Limitations of SCHEMABINDING Views in SQL Server

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The tip, Views in SQL Server, explored the purpose of views, creating views examples, and benefits of views. A view is a virtual table that references the actual database tables stored in the database. What if someone changes the underlying table structure, such as renaming the column, adding a new column, or dropping the table? What is the impact of changing schema on views? How can we stop any schema changes if the view references the schema?


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Use DDL Triggers to Automatically Keep SQL Server Views in Sync

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As much as we tell people to use SCHEMABINDING and avoid SELECT *, there is still a wide range of reasons people do not. A well-documented problem with SELECT * in views, specifically, is that the system caches the metadata about the view from the time the view was created, not when the view is queried. If the underlying table later changes, the view doesn't reflect the updated schema without refreshing, altering, or recreating the view. Wouldn't it be great if you could stop worrying about that scenario and have the system automatically keep the metadata in sync?


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Enhancing SSIS ETL Tools with SolarWinds Task Factory

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SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) has been the de facto ETL tool for over 15 years for DBAs, Developers and Business Intelligence Professionals to extract, transform and load data (i.e. ETL tasks) for specific business processes, data-centric applications, data warehousing, reporting and data exchange between organizations. SSIS is a great product with high adoption across the globe, but has some limitations related to modern data sources, performance and streamlining tedious tasks. How can we overcome these limitations and have SSIS provide greater value?



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