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Generate Role Member Reports using dbatools and the ImportExcel PowerShell modules

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Being able to get information and save it on a Excel as a report can be a common and tedious task. What if we could join dbatools and ImportExcel PorwerShell modules to accomplish this in a easier and fast way? We will see how to export roles and its' member and save that info on a multi spreadsheet Excel file with handy tables ready to be explored.

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Technical Article

Monitor basic Database parameters like Recovery Model, Page Verify, Auto Close, Auto Shrink, DB Owner, Auto Create Statistics Enabled, DB Create Date etc with PowerShell command.

  • Script

I have created this script for one of our client, the requirement was all the databases should be in full recovery model and should be monitored. Also, I added other important parameters like AutoShrink, AutoClose etc. Output:

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Technical Article

Powershell Script - Azure cosmos DB(SQL API)

  • Script

Scripts contains 4 following functions. Users can create 3 different script from this for inserting, fetching and deleting a document.
1. Function Generate-MasterKeyAuthorizationSignature - This function is used to create connection to Azure cosmos DB. This function codes were taken from Technet.
2. Function Post-CosmosDb - Insert single document in azure cosmos DB. Same function can be used to perform bulkinsert. This function code was taken from following article. To make it useful i made some modification in it.
3. Function Get-CosmosDocument - Fetch single document from azure cosmos DB. Same function can be used to fetch all documents from Cosmos DB.
4. Function Delete-CosmosDbDocument - Delete single document from cosmos DB. Same function can be used to delete more than one document with some additional codes.

To use any of the function like Post,Get, Delete. you have to comment the other 2 function call. If you are using all 3 functions(Post,Get, Delete), Be cautious while using them.

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2020-05-11 (first published: )

3,682 reads

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Output multiple datasets from one INVOKE-SQLCMD command

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A common question that I've seen online is how do I return multiple sql datasets from a single query using INVOKE-SQLCMD. Most of the answers out there say it is not possible, but it is in fact possible by using the OutputAs dataset parameter. This parameter outputs a dataset that has all of the information […]

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2020-04-24 (first published: )

6,959 reads

Technical Article

A simple powershell script to look up server hardware and OS information

  • Script

This is a simple powershell script to query and display hardware and OS information from a remote computer.

It uses CIM (Common Information Model) that is available since Powershell version 3 so as long as you have version 3 and up, you should be able to run this script against any server that you have access to.

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2019-08-14 (first published: )

2,297 reads


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