(See comments in script)
exec usp_addcolumns 'ref%', 'modifieddate', 'smalldatetime not null'
(See comments in script)
exec usp_addcolumns 'ref%', 'modifieddate', 'smalldatetime not null'
create procedure usp_addcolumns(@tablepattern varchar(100), @missingcolumn sysname, @columndefinition varchar(256), @debug bit=0) as /* name usp_addcolumns author Wilfred van Dijk (www.wilfredvandijk.nl) date 20080527 purpose to add a missing column to multiple tables parameters @tablepattern name of tablecriteria to process @missingcolumn column to add (if not exists) @columndefinition columntype, constraints etc @debug if true, no actual execution of statement (only displayed) example exec usp_addcolumns @tablepattern='ref[_]%', @missingcolumn='createddate', @columndefinition='datetime not null default (getdate())' -> adds column createddate to tables starting with 'ref_' */begin set nocount on declare @tn sysname declare @sqlcmd nvarchar(512) declare c_mantables cursor local fast_forward for select name from sysobjects where type = 'u' and name like @tablepattern and name not in (select distinct(object_name(id)) from syscolumns where name = @MissingColumn) open c_mantables fetch next from c_mantables into @tn while @@fetch_status = 0 begin set @SQLCmd = 'alter table ' + @tn + ' add ' + QUOTENAME(@MissingColumn) + ' ' + @ColumnDefinition if @debug = 1 print @SQLCmd else exec (@SQLCMD) fetch next from c_mantables into @tn end end