Here is a companion script to "Set All databases to DBO only and Single User Mode" that will turn off dbo and single user mode for all databases.
Here is a companion script to "Set All databases to DBO only and Single User Mode" that will turn off dbo and single user mode for all databases.
CREATE PROCEDURE turnoff_dbo_only_single_user_alldb AS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- WRITTEN BY: GREG LARSEN DATE: NOVEMBER 1, 2000 -- -- DESCRIPTION: This stored procedure will put all databases in dbo only -- and single user mode. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET NOCOUNT ON -- -- Get the name of all databases -- DECLARE AllDatabases CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases OPEN AllDatabases DECLARE @DB NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @COMMAND NVARCHAR(128) FETCH NEXT FROM AllDatabases INTO @DB WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN set @command ='master..sp_dboption @dbname=''' + @db + ''',@optname=''DBO USE ONLY'', @optvalue=''FALSE''' print @command exec (@command) set @command = 'master..sp_dboption @dbname=''' + @db + ''',@optname=''single user'', @optvalue=''FALSE''' print @command exec (@command) FETCH NEXT FROM AllDatabases INTO @DB END CLOSE AllDatabases DEALLOCATE AllDatabases GO