SELECT Result = dbo.TrimLeftChar('.','.............Adrian')
Detective Stories - Changing the Case
How to change your "UPPER" or "lower" case strings to a mixed case
6,081 reads
SELECT Result = dbo.TrimLeftChar('.','.............Adrian')
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[TrimLeftChar]( @CharToTrim AS CHAR(1) , @String AS VARCHAR(MAX) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(MAx) AS BEGIN RETURN REPLACE( LTRIM( REPLACE(@String, @CharToTrim,' ')), ' ', @CharToTrim) -- Replace the char to be trimed with spaces. If we want to trim 0 -- '0001234056000' will become ' 1234 56 ' -- Trim the left spaces. ' 1234 56 ' will become '1234 56 ' -- Restore the non trimed spaces with its original value. -- '1234 56 ' will become '1234056000' -- As you can see it only works nice for single text. but i migth useful -- to you in a particular situation. END