Total Space Used for all databases per disk
Tells you how much the databases are using the space on disk taking in account the free space at the end of the database and the sum of space used bay all databases per disk. Useful to see how much space you can gain on disk if you shrink your databases on a specific disk unit.
begin set nocount on
if exists (select 1 from tempdb..sysobjects where [Id] = object_id('tempdb..#dbfileinfo')) begin drop table #dbfileinfo end
if exists (select 1 from tempdb..sysobjects where [Id] = object_id('tempdb..#logsizestats')) begin drop table #logsizestats end
if exists (select 1 from tempdb..sysobjects where [Id] = object_id('tempdb..#datafilestats')) begin drop table #datafilestats end
if exists (select 1 from tempdb..sysobjects where [Id] = object_id('tempdb..#fixeddrives')) begin drop table #fixeddrives end
if exists (select 1 from tempdb..sysobjects where [Id] = object_id('tempdb..#usados')) begin drop table #usados end
create table #fixeddrives ( DriveLetter varchar(10), MB_Free dec(20, 2) )
create table #datafilestats ( DBName varchar(255), DBId int, FileId tinyint, [FileGroup] tinyint, TotalExtents dec(20, 2), UsedExtents dec(20, 2), [Name] varchar(255), [FileName] varchar(400) )
create table #logsizestats ( DBName varchar(255) not null primary key clustered, DBId int, LogFile real, LogFileUsed real, Status bit ) create table #dbfileinfo ( [ServerName] varchar(255), [DBName] varchar(65), [LogicalFileName] varchar(400), [UsageType] varchar (30), [Size_MB] dec(20, 2), [SpaceUsed_MB] dec(20, 2), [MaxSize_MB] dec(20, 2), [NextAllocation_MB] dec(20, 2), [GrowthType] varchar(65), [FileId] smallint, [GroupId] smallint, [PhysicalFileName] varchar(400), [DateChecked] datetime )
declare @SQLString varchar(3000) declare @MinId int declare @MaxId int declare @DBName varchar(255) declare @tblDBName table ( RowId int identity(1, 1), DBName varchar(255), DBId int)
insert into @tblDBName (DBName, DBId) select [Name], DBId from master..sysdatabases where ( Status & 512 ) = 0 order by [Name]
insert into #logsizestats (DBName, LogFile, LogFileUsed, Status) exec ('dbcc sqlperf(logspace) with no_infomsgs')
update #logsizestats set DBId = db_id(DBName)
insert into #fixeddrives exec master..xp_fixeddrives
select @MinId = min(RowId), @MaxId = max(RowId) from @tblDBName
while ( @MinId <= @MaxId ) begin select @DBName = [DBName] from @tblDBName where RowId = @MinId
select @SQLString = 'SELECT ServerName = @@SERVERNAME,' + ' DBName = ''' + @DBName + ''',' + ' LogicalFileName = [name],' + ' UsageType = CASE WHEN (64&[status])=64 THEN ''Log'' ELSE ''Data'' END,' + ' Size_MB = [size]*8/1024.00,' + ' SpaceUsed_MB = NULL,' +
' MaxSize_MB = CASE [maxsize] WHEN -1 THEN -1 WHEN 0 THEN [size]*8/1024.00 ELSE maxsize/1024.00*8 END,'+
' NextExtent_MB = CASE WHEN (1048576&[status])=1048576 THEN ([growth]/100.00)*([size]*8/1024.00) WHEN [growth]=0 THEN 0 ELSE [growth]*8/1024.00 END,'+ ' GrowthType = CASE WHEN (1048576&[status])=1048576 THEN ''%'' ELSE ''Pages'' END,'+ ' FileId = [fileid],' + ' GroupId = [groupid],' + ' PhysicalFileName= [filename],' + ' CurTimeStamp = GETDATE()' +
'FROM [' + @DBName + ']..sysfiles'
print @SQLString
insert into #dbfileinfo exec (@SQLString)
update #dbfileinfo set SpaceUsed_MB = Size_MB / 100.0 * (select LogFileUsed from #logsizestats where DBName = @DBName) where UsageType = 'Log' and DBName = @DBName
insert #datafilestats (FileId, [FileGroup], TotalExtents, UsedExtents, [Name], [FileName]) execute(@SQLString)
update #dbfileinfo set [SpaceUsed_MB] = S.[UsedExtents] * 64 / 1024.00 from #dbfileinfo as F inner join #datafilestats as S on F.[FileId] = S.[FileId] and F.[GroupId] = S.[FileGroup] and F.[DBName] = @DBName
truncate table #datafilestats
select @MinId = @MinId + 1 end
select @@servername as servidor, substring(A.PhysicalFileName, 1, 1) as unidad, sum ([Size_MB]) as SqlTotalDB, sum([SpaceUsed_MB]) as SqlTotalUsedSpaceDB, sum (( [Size_MB] ) - ( [SpaceUsed_MB] ))as SQLTotalFreeSpaceDB into #usados from #dbfileinfo as A left join #fixeddrives as B on substring(A.PhysicalFileName, 1, 1) = B.DriveLetter group by substring(A.PhysicalFileName, 1, 1)
select servidor, DriveLetter, MB_Free as RealMb_free, MB_Free + SQLTotalFreeSpaceDB as MB_FreeNeto, SqlTotalDB, abs(( SqlTotalDB - SQLTotalFreeSpaceDB )) as SQLTotalUsedSpaceDB, SQLTotalFreeSpaceDB, ( 100 * abs(( SqlTotalDB - SQLTotalFreeSpaceDB )) ) / SqlTotalDB as Porcentaje_Uso_DB
from #fixeddrives as f inner join #usados as z on z.unidad = f.DriveLetter
if exists (select 1 from tempdb..sysobjects where [Id] = object_id('tempdb..#dbfileinfo')) begin drop table #dbfileinfo end
if exists (select 1 from tempdb..sysobjects where [Id] = object_id('tempdb..#logsizestats')) begin drop table #logsizestats end
if exists (select 1 from tempdb..sysobjects where [Id] = object_id('tempdb..#datafilestats')) begin drop table #datafilestats end
if exists (select 1 from tempdb..sysobjects where [Id] = object_id('tempdb..#fixeddrives')) begin drop table #fixeddrives end
if exists (select 1 from tempdb..sysobjects where [Id] = object_id('tempdb..#usados')) begin drop table #usados end
set nocount off