Table structure in 8 x 11 w/size, rows & indexes
Using the sp_help to get a table structure is very cumbersome. First, in order to print it you have to use
"Results in Text" not "Results in Grid". Second, the results are very wide screen-wise and very hard to read or print. Third, you do not get the size or number rows with the same request.
This script does it all for you. Its very handy. Its long, but just create the SP and use it.
C. Z. Ovits
create proc sp_tablestru
@tblname varchar(50)
if @tblname is null begin
-- validate @tblname
declare @id int,@dbname sysname,@type char(2),@rows char(11),@pages bigint,@size char(20)
if @tblname is not null begin
select @dbname = parsename(@tblname, 3)
if @dbname is not null and @dbname <> db_name()
return (1)
if @dbname is null
select @dbname = db_name()
** Try to find the object.
*/select @id = null
select @id = id, @type = xtype
from sysobjects
where id = object_id(@tblname)
** Does the object exist?
*/if @id is null
return (1)
-- rows
select @rows=convert(char(11),rows)
from sysindexes
where indid<2 and id=@id
-- size
select @pages = sum(dpages)
from sysindexes
where indid < 2
and id = @id
select @pages = @pages + isnull(sum(used), 0)
from sysindexes
where indid = 255
and id = @id
select @size=ltrim(str((@pages * b.low)/1024.,15,0))+''+'KB'
from master.dbo.spt_values b
where number=1 and type ='E'
print '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
print '------ Object: '+@tblname
print '============================================================================================='
print 'Rows Size'
print '---------------- ------------------------'
print space(16-len(rtrim(@rows)))+rtrim(@rows)+space(28-len(rtrim(@size)))+rtrim(@size)
print '============================================================================================='
declare @sqltext varchar(8000)
select @sqltext='
declare tblstru_crsr cursor for
select,a.xusertype,a.length,a.xprec,a.xscale,a.isnullable from syscolumns a,sysobjects b
where like '''+@tblname+''' and order by colid'
exec (@sqltext)
declare @name varchar(50),@xusertype smallint,@length smallint,@xprec tinyint,@xscale tinyint,@isnullable int
open tblstru_crsr
fetch tblstru_crsr into @name,@xusertype,@length,@xprec,@xscale,@isnullable
set nocount on
print 'Column Name Type Length Scale Null'
print '------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ ----- ----'
while @@fetch_status= 0 begin
if @xusertype=34
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'Image '+ltrim(str(@length))+space(11-len(@length))+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=35
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'Text '+ltrim(str(@length))+space(11-len(@length))+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=36
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'UniqueIdentifier '+ltrim(str(@length))+space(11-len(@length))+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=48
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'Tinyint '+space(2-len(@xprec))+ltrim(str(@xprec))+' '+ltrim(str(@xscale))+' '+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=52
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'Smallint '+space(2-len(@xprec))+ltrim(str(@xprec))+' '+ltrim(str(@xscale))+' '+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=56
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'Int '+space(2-len(@xprec))+ltrim(str(@xprec))+' '+ltrim(str(@xscale))+' '+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=58
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'SmallDateTime '+space(2-len(@xprec))+ltrim(str(@xprec))+' '+ltrim(str(@xscale))+' '+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=59
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'Real '+space(2-len(@xprec))+ltrim(str(@xprec))+' '+ltrim(str(@xscale))+' '+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=60
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'Money '+space(2-len(@xprec))+ltrim(str(@xprec))+' '+ltrim(str(@xscale))+' '+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=61
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'DateTime '+space(2-len(@xprec))+ltrim(str(@xprec))+' '+ltrim(str(@xscale))+' '+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=62
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'Float '+space(2-len(@xprec))+ltrim(str(@xprec))+' '+ltrim(str(@xscale))+' '+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=98
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'SQL_variant '+ltrim(str(@length))+space(11-len(@length))+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=99
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'nText '+ltrim(str(@length))+space(11-len(@length))+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=104
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'Bit '+ltrim(str(@length))+space(11-len(@length))+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=106
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'Decimal '+space(2-len(@xprec))+ltrim(str(@xprec))+' '+ltrim(str(@xscale))+' '+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=108
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'Numeric '+space(2-len(@xprec))+ltrim(str(@xprec))+' '+ltrim(str(@xscale))+' '+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=122
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'SmallMoney '+space(2-len(@xprec))+ltrim(str(@xprec))+' '+ltrim(str(@xscale))+' '+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=127
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'Bigint '+space(2-len(@xprec))+ltrim(str(@xprec))+' '+ltrim(str(@xscale))+' '+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=165
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'Varbinary '+ltrim(str(@length))+space(11-len(@length))+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=167
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'Varchar '+ltrim(str(@length))+space(11-len(@length))+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=173
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'Binary '+ltrim(str(@length))+space(11-len(@length))+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=175
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'Char '+ltrim(str(@length))+space(11-len(@length))+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=189
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'TimeStamp '+ltrim(str(@length))+space(11-len(@length))+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=231
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'nVarchar '+ltrim(str(@length))+space(11-len(@length))+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=239
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'nChar '+ltrim(str(@length))+space(11-len(@length))+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
if @xusertype=256
print @name+space(50-len(@name))+'Sysname '+ltrim(str(@length))+space(11-len(@length))+case when @isnullable=1 then 'YES' else 'NO ' end
fetch tblstru_crsr into @name,@xusertype,@length,@xprec,@xscale,@isnullable
close tblstru_crsr
deallocate tblstru_crsr
print '============================================================================================='
print 'Index information:'
print ''
-- indexes
declare@indid smallint,-- the index id of an index
@groupid smallint, -- the filegroup id of an index
@indname sysname,
@groupname sysname,
@status int,
@keys nvarchar(2126)--Length (16*max_identifierLength)+(15*2)+(16*3)
declare ms_crs_ind cursor local static for
select indid, groupid, name, status
from sysindexes
where id = @id and indid > 0 and indid < 255 and (status & 64)=0
order by indid
open ms_crs_ind
fetch ms_crs_ind into @indid, @groupid, @indname, @status
if @@fetch_status < 0
deallocate ms_crs_ind
print ' *** '+rtrim(@tblname)+' does not contain any indexes ***'
print '============================================================================================='
return (0)
-- 1234567890123456789012345 1234567890123456789012345 123456789012345678901234567890
print 'Index name '+'Index type '+'Index key '
print '------------------------ '+'------------------------ '+'------------------------------'
-- Now check out each index, figure out its type and keys
while @@fetch_status >= 0
-- First we'll figure out what the keys are.
declare @i int, @thiskey nvarchar(131) -- 128+3
select @keys = index_col(@tblname, @indid, 1), @i = 2
if (indexkey_property(@id, @indid, 1, 'isdescending') = 1)
select @keys = @keys + '(-)'
select @thiskey = index_col(@tblname, @indid, @i)
if ((@thiskey is not null) and (indexkey_property(@id, @indid, @i, 'isdescending') = 1))
select @thiskey = @thiskey + '(-)'
while (@thiskey is not null )
select @keys = @keys + ', ' + @thiskey, @i = @i + 1
select @thiskey = index_col(@tblname, @indid, @i)
if ((@thiskey is not null) and (indexkey_property(@id, @indid, @i, 'isdescending') = 1))
select @thiskey = @thiskey + '(-)'
select @groupname = groupname from sysfilegroups where groupid = @groupid
print rtrim(@indname)+space(25-len(rtrim(@indname)))+
case when (@status & 16)<>0 then 'clustered' else 'nonclustered' end+' '+rtrim(@groupname)+
case when (@status & 16)<>0 then ' ' else ' ' end+rtrim(@keys)
-- Next index
fetch ms_crs_ind into @indid, @groupid, @indname, @status
deallocate ms_crs_ind
print ''
print '============================================================================================='