Technical Article

Table Generator for defined tables



Many times sql developers and dbas are given the task of scripting and standardizing code and checking into a source control system after the objects, in this case tables, are already defined in sql server. This can be achieved by right clicking on the object and then selecting the "Script Table As" option; however, this option creates a file that needs modifcation and proper formatting in most cases. I have taken the time to createa script that generates the create table DDL in a more readable, tabbed format.


How to use

Simply enter the table name in the script where the @TableName paramter is and run. The script will generate the appropriate existence check, the create table statement with datatypes and nullability, any defaults defined, and the primary key definition after the create table statement. The script will account for any compound primary keys with up to 16 columns defined. The script will not explicitly define the collation, so the default defined is used. And, the script currently does handle foreign keys. This should save the user some time and effort for this task.


--DDL Generator 
--Script created by Ryan Foote.
set nocount on 

Declare @Generate Table
(ColumnName char(35)
,DataType char(30)
,Nullability varchar(400))

Declare @TableName varchar(100)

select @TableName = '' --<<Enter the table name here

if not exists(select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(@TableName)
and objectproperty(ID, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
print 'Table Name ' + @TableName + ' is not a valid table'
goto KickOut
else if exists(select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(@TableName)
and objectproperty(ID, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
insert into @Generate
select case when syscolumns.colid = 1 then ' '
else ',' 
end +
left('[' + syscolumns.Name + ']', 40) 
,left(systypes.Name + 
case when systypes.xusertype in (175, 11, 167, 165) --varchar, char
then '(' + cast(syscolumns.length as varchar(10)) + ')'
when systypes.xusertype in (239, 231) --nvarchar and nchar
then '(' + cast(syscolumns.length/2 as varchar(10)) + ')'
when systypes.xusertype in (106) --decimal
then '(' + cast(syscolumns.xprec as varchar(10)) + ', ' + cast(sys.syscolumns.xscale as varchar(10)) + ')'
else '' 
end, 20) 
,case when syscolumns.isnullable = 0 then 'NOT NULL'
when syscolumns.isnullable = 1 then 'NULL'
end + ' ' +
case when is not null
then 'CONSTRAINT ' + ' ' + '[' + + ']' + ' ' + 'DEFAULT ' + sys.default_constraints.definition
else ''
end +
case when is not null
then 'IDENTITY' + ' ' + '(' + cast(sys.identity_columns.seed_value as varchar(20)) + ', ' + cast(sys.identity_columns.increment_value as varchar(20)) + ')'
else ''
from sys.syscolumns
join sys.systypes 
on sys.syscolumns.xtype = sys.systypes.xtype
left join sys.default_constraints
on sys.default_constraints.parent_object_id = object_id(@TableName)
and sys.syscolumns.colid = sys.default_constraints.parent_column_id
left join sys.identity_columns
on sys.identity_columns.object_id = object_id(@TableName)
and sys.syscolumns.colid = sys.identity_columns.column_id
where id = object_id(@TableName)
and <> 'sysname'
order by sys.syscolumns.colid

Declare @FinalTable table
(CreateStatement varchar(400))

Declare @PrimaryKey varchar(50)

select @PrimaryKey =
from sys.indexes
join sys.index_columns
on sys.indexes.object_id = sys.index_columns.object_id
and sys.indexes.index_id = sys.index_columns.index_id
join sys.syscolumns
on sys.indexes.object_id =
and sys.index_columns.column_id = sys.syscolumns.colid
where = object_id(@TableName)
and sys.indexes.is_primary_key = 1

declare @tblPrimaryKey table
(PrimaryKeyID int identity(1,1)
,ColumnName varchar(500) null
,IndexDefinition varchar(500) null)

insert into @tblPrimaryKey(ColumnName, IndexDefinition)
from sys.indexes
join sys.index_columns
on sys.indexes.object_id = sys.index_columns.object_id
and sys.indexes.index_id = sys.index_columns.index_id
join sys.syscolumns
on sys.indexes.object_id =
and sys.index_columns.column_id = sys.syscolumns.colid
where = object_id(@TableName)
and sys.indexes.is_primary_key = 1

insert into @FinalTable(CreateStatement)
values('if not exists(select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(''' + @TableName + ''')')
insert into @FinalTable(CreateStatement)
values (' and objectproperty(ID, N''IsUserTable'') = 1)')
insert into @FinalTable(CreateStatement)
values ('begin')
insert into @FinalTable(CreateStatement)
values ('Create Table dbo.' + @TableName + '')
insert into @FinalTable(CreateStatement)
values( '(')
insert into @FinalTable(CreateStatement)
select '' + ColumnName + DataType + Nullability from @Generate 
insert into @FinalTable(CreateStatement)
values( ')')

if @PrimaryKey is NULL --table has no primary key defined
goto Statement

insert into @FinalTable(CreateStatement)
insert into @FinalTable(CreateStatement)
values('Alter table dbo.' + @TableName + '')
insert into @FinalTable(CreateStatement)
values('Add Constraint ' + @PrimaryKey + '')
insert into @FinalTable(CreateStatement)
select 'Primary Key ' + IndexDefinition + ' (' + 
max(case when PrimaryKeyID = 1 then ColumnName else ' ' end) +
max(case when PrimaryKeyID = 2 then ', ' + ColumnName else '' end) +
max(case when PrimaryKeyID = 3 then ', ' + ColumnName else '' end) +
max(case when PrimaryKeyID = 4 then ', ' + ColumnName else '' end) +
max(case when PrimaryKeyID = 5 then ', ' + ColumnName else '' end) +
max(case when PrimaryKeyID = 6 then ', ' + ColumnName else '' end) +
max(case when PrimaryKeyID = 7 then ', ' + ColumnName else '' end) +
max(case when PrimaryKeyID = 8 then ', ' + ColumnName else '' end) +
max(case when PrimaryKeyID = 9 then ', ' + ColumnName else '' end) +
max(case when PrimaryKeyID = 10 then ', ' + ColumnName else '' end) +
max(case when PrimaryKeyID = 11 then ', ' + ColumnName else '' end) +
max(case when PrimaryKeyID = 12 then ', ' + ColumnName else '' end) +
max(case when PrimaryKeyID = 13 then ', ' + ColumnName else '' end) +
max(case when PrimaryKeyID = 14 then ', ' + ColumnName else '' end) +
max(case when PrimaryKeyID = 15 then ', ' + ColumnName else '' end) +
max(case when PrimaryKeyID = 16 then ', ' + ColumnName else '' end) +
')' as PrimaryKey
from @tblPrimaryKey
group by IndexDefinition

insert into @FinalTable(CreateStatement)

print '--Script generated on ' + convert(varchar(25), getdate(), 121)
select CreateStatement as [--CreateStatement] from @FinalTable



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