This stored procedures uses the procedure [spSynchStoredProcedure] I had sent before.
For example, your development server is called DEV and your production server is called PROD, and you create two linked servers in local SQL Server with the same name. Assumed that your database between DEV and PROD have the same name: TestDB.
If you want to synchronize 3 stored procedures called TestProc1, TestProc2, TestProc3 between TestDB of DEV and PROD, you can excute this procedure like that:
EXEC spSynchMultiProcedures @ProcedureNames = 'TestProc1, TestProc2, TestProc3', @SourceServer = 'DEV', @SourceDatabase = 'TestDB', @TargetServer = 'PROD', @TargetDatabase = 'TestDB'