Backs up the SQL Server EM registration from the registry. Assumes that EM is configured to save common, not by user/independently.
I recommend changing EM to Store locally for all users, (not independently) and create a weekly scheduled job to backup the HKLM..\..\Registered Servers X branch.
Configure EM to store settings for the local machine, all users:
A. Choose the menu items; Tools, Options
B. Go to the General tab
C. Un-Check the Read/Store user independent box.
D. Click OK
Create a weekly job to execute the following batch file, (with sql server agent or windows scheduler), SQLServerRegistrationBackup.bat. The batch file backs up the local machine registry branch, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\SQLEW\Registered Servers X.
[batch to execute] [action] [backvolume] [backdirectory]
SQLServerRegistrationBackup.bat backup c temp
Restoring Using DMO - Getting File List and No Recovery
Following up on a question posted in our discussion area, Andy demonstrates how to backup/restore a database using DMO, how to get the list of files to be restored, and how to do a restore with no recovery. Lots of sample code!
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