Troubleshooting intermitten connectivity issues can be difficult. One approach is to repeatedly test connecting to SQL Server outside of an existing application in order to verify if a server-wide intermitten issue is occurring. This script is used to test remote connectivity to a SQL Server. The script loops in one minute intervals (adjust as needed). If a problem connecting to SQL Server occurs an error is written to the Application log on the machine from which the script is executed. The script requires SQL-DMO which is installed with the SQL Server client tools.
Using Indexes to Bypass Locks
One of the issues you'll face with SQL Server is blocking which is caused by other processes that are holding locks on objects. Until the locks are removed on an object the next process will wait before proceeding. This is a common process that runs within SQL Server to ensure data integrity, but depending on how transactions are run this can cause some issues. Are there ways to get around blocking by using different indexes to cover the queries that may be running?
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