SQL Agent jobs that run SSIS packages
I was recently tasked with moving / ugrading SSIS packages from one server to another and I was instructed "to only move the packages that are executed by jobs".
This script joins three tables; sysjobs, sysjobsteps, and sysssispackages. It produces a list showing package name, job name, package folder name, and the job command. It is written for packages stored in msdb, but could easily be adapted for an SSIS package store. Additional columns could also be added.
use msdb
SELECT sp.[name] as packagename,
FROM sysssispackages sp
JOIN sysssispackagefolders sf ON sp.folderid = sf.folderid
JOIN (SELECT sj.[name] AS jobname,
RIGHT(LEFT(REPLACE(REPLACE(sjs.command,'"', ''), '\ /', ' /'), LEN(REPLACE(REPLACE(sjs.command,'"', ''), '\ /', ' /')) - (LEN(REPLACE(REPLACE(sjs.command,'"', ''), '\ /', ' /')) - CHARINDEX( '/', REPLACE(REPLACE(sjs.command,'"', ''), '\ /', ' /'), 5)) - 2),
CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(LEFT(REPLACE(REPLACE(sjs.command,'"', ''), '\ /', ' /'), LEN(REPLACE(REPLACE(sjs.command,'"', ''), '\ /', ' /')) - (LEN(REPLACE(REPLACE(sjs.command,'"', ''), '\ /', ' /')) - CHARINDEX( '/', REPLACE(REPLACE(sjs.command,'"', ''), '\ /', ' /'), 5)) - 2))) - 1) AS package_name,
FROM sysjobs sj
JOIN sysjobsteps sjs on sj.job_id = sjs.job_id
WHERE sjs.command LIKE '/DTS%' OR sjs.command LIKE '/SQL%') sj ON sp.[name] = sj.package_name
ORDER BY sf.foldername, sp.[name], sj.step_id