This script will generate a restore statement with supporting MOVE operations to a new directory structure.
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This script will generate a restore statement with supporting MOVE operations to a new directory structure.
SET NOCOUNT ON GO /****************************************************************************** ** ** Name: Quick-n-Diry restore script generator.sql ** ** Description: Quickly generate restore script from a backup device. ** ** Generate a restore script with the proper move ** statements automatically. ** ** Change values for: ** ** @i_db_name -- Database name to restore as. ** @FilePath -- Backup directory ** @BackupFileName -- Backup filename ** @i_data_location -- Restore to path. ** ** ** Return values: 0 - Success ** -1 - Error ** ** ** Author: G. Rayburn ** ** Date: 01/27/2006 ** ******************************************************************************* ** Modification History ******************************************************************************* ** ** Initial Creation: 01/27/2006 G. Rayburn ** 03/16/2007 G. Rayburn -- Fixed ALTER issue for SQL2000. ** 01/25/2008 G. Rayburn -- Added RESTORE LABELONLY code. ** ******************************************************************************* ** ******************************************************************************/DECLARE @retcode int , @l_bkup_file_nm varchar(520) , @l_bkup_file_location varchar(520) , @l_index int , @l_exec_stmt varchar(8000) , @l_Old_file_location varchar(520) , @l_New_file_location varchar(520) , @l_file_nm varchar(520) , @l_file_location varchar(520) , @l_LogicalName varchar(256) , @l_exec_stmt_len int , @i_backup varchar(8000) , @i_db_name sysname , @i_data_location varchar(8000) , @RestoreLABELONLY varchar(1024) , @RestoreLABELONLYCMD varchar(2048) , @FilePath varchar(1024) , @BackupFileName varchar(128) , @FamilyCount int , @CurrLoopOp int , @DynString_01 varchar(8000) , @RestoreStr_01 varchar(512) , @RestoreStr_02 varchar(512) , @FileExistCheck varchar(1024) -- Change these variables: SET @i_db_name = 'YourDBName' SET @FilePath = '\\Server\Share\' SET @BackupFileName = 'FooDB_20080125_01.BAK' SET @i_data_location = 'D:\MSSQL\Data' -- Don't change. SET @l_index = 0 SET @l_bkup_file_nm = '''' + @FilePath + @BackupFileName + '''' SET @FileExistCheck = @FilePath + @BackupFileName SET @RestoreLABELONLY = 'RESTORE LABELONLY FROM DISK = ' SET @RestoreLABELONLYCMD = @RestoreLABELONLY + '''' + @FilePath + @BackupFileName + '''' -- -- Verify backup file exists. EXEC master..xp_fileexist @FileExistCheck, @retcode OUTPUT IF (@retcode) = 0 BEGIN PRINT @FileExistCheck + ' does not exist, exiting process.' PRINT '' RETURN END -- Gather # of backup files and build FROM DISK string: CREATE TABLE #_RESTORE_LABELONLY ( [MediaName] nvarchar(128) , [MediaSetId] uniqueidentifier , [FamilyCount] int , [FamilySequenceNumber] int , [MediaFamilyId] uniqueidentifier , [MediaSequenceNumber] int , [MediaLabelPresent] tinyint , [MediaDescription] nvarchar(255) , [SoftwareName] nvarchar(128) , [SoftwareVendorId] int , [MediaDate] datetime , [Mirror_Count] int ) INSERT INTO #_RESTORE_LABELONLY EXEC (@RestoreLABELONLYCMD) SET @FamilyCount = (SELECT FamilyCount FROM #_RESTORE_LABELONLY) SET @CurrLoopOp = 2 -- Have to start at 2 because 1 is being used by @RestoreStr_01. SET @DynString_01 = '' SELECT @RestoreStr_01 = 'FROM DISK = ''' + @FilePath + @BackupFileName + '''' + char(10) + char(13) , @RestoreStr_02 = ', DISK = ''' + @FilePath WHILE @CurrLoopOp <= @FamilyCount BEGIN SET @DynString_01 = @DynString_01 + @RestoreStr_02 + STUFF(@BackupFileName,LEN(@BackupFileName)-4,1,CONVERT(char(1),@CurrLoopOp)) + '''' + char(10) + char(13) SET @CurrLoopOp = @CurrLoopOp + 1 IF @CurrLoopOp > @FamilyCount BREAK ELSE CONTINUE END -- Get information on logical names and paths from the backup itself. IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE NAME LIKE '#bkup_file_details%' ) DROP TABLE #bkup_file_details SET NOCOUNT ON CREATE TABLE #bkup_file_details ( LogicalName nvarchar(128) ,Old_PhysicalName nvarchar(128) ,[Type] char(1) ,FileGroupName nvarchar(128) ,[Size] numeric(20,0) ,[MaxSize] numeric(20,0) ,FileID bigint ,CreateLSN numeric(25,0) ,DropLSN numeric(25,0) NULL ,UniqueID uniqueidentifier ,ReadOnlyLSN numeric(25,0) ,ReadWriteLSN numeric(25,0) ,BackupSizeInByte bigint ,SourceBlockSize int ,FilegroupID int ,LogGroupGUID uniqueidentifier NULL ,DifferentialBaseLSN numeric(25,0) ,DifferentialbaseGUID uniqueidentifier ,IsReadOnly bit ,IsPresent bit ) -- Get number and names of the files in the backup. SELECT @l_exec_stmt = 'RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = ''' + @FilePath + @BackupFileName + '''' INSERT INTO #bkup_file_details EXEC (@l_exec_stmt) -- Add New_PhysicalName for cursor later on. ALTER TABLE #bkup_file_details ADD New_PhysicalName varchar(128) -- Update New_PhysicalName with the target path. SELECT @retcode = 0 DECLARE file_details scroll CURSOR FOR SELECT Old_PhysicalName FROM #bkup_file_details OPEN file_details WHILE @retcode = 0 BEGIN FETCH NEXT FROM file_details INTO @l_Old_file_location IF(@@fetch_status <> 0) BREAK SELECT @l_file_nm = @l_Old_file_location SELECT @l_index = charindex('\', @l_file_nm) WHILE(@l_index <> 0) BEGIN SELECT @l_file_nm = right(@l_file_nm, datalength(@l_file_nm)- @l_index) SELECT @l_index = charindex('\', @l_file_nm) END SELECT @l_New_file_location = @i_data_location + '\' + @i_db_name + '_' + @l_file_nm UPDATE #bkup_file_details SET New_PhysicalName = @l_New_file_location WHERE Old_PhysicalName = @l_Old_file_location END CLOSE file_details DEALLOCATE file_details -- Generate first portion of the restore statement. SELECT @l_exec_stmt = 'RESTORE DATABASE [' + @i_db_name + '] ' + @RestoreStr_01 + @DynString_01 + ' WITH RECOVERY , REPLACE , STATS = 5' -- Generate the MOVE statements and append them to the first. DECLARE file_details scroll CURSOR FOR SELECT LogicalName , New_PhysicalName FROM #bkup_file_details OPEN file_details WHILE @retcode = 0 BEGIN FETCH next FROM file_details INTO @l_LogicalName, @l_file_location IF(@@fetch_status <> 0) BREAK SELECT @l_exec_stmt = @l_exec_stmt + ' , MOVE ''' + @l_LogicalName + ''' TO ''' + @l_file_location + '''' END CLOSE file_details DEALLOCATE file_details -- DEBUG: PRINT '' PRINT (@l_exec_stmt) PRINT '' DROP TABLE #_RESTORE_LABELONLY