sp_wcProject is a stored procedure designed to allow you to easily define the projection of columns
used in a table, view, or table valued function and then optionally run the query. The column names
may be specified using wildcards, hence the "wc" name prefix.
This procedure is particularly useful when making ad hoc queries against system objects, such as
sys.databases, which return a large number of columns, many of which are related via common substrings
such as "ansi" or "is_", etc. You can also use it to display and/or capture the generated SQL query.
The displayed width of string variables, viz., CHAR, VARCHAR, etc. may be limited to a maximum size
and the string data may be either right or left justified within the maximum specified size.
Run the proc with no arguments to view the full documentation and see the additional bells and whistles
it provides as well as some examples. Also provided below is a set of sample queries using the proc to
show how it can be used.
How It Works
The second argument, @colnames, is an optional comma-separated list of terms with optional wildcards which
are used to choose the columns to display from the first argument object. The proc creates a unique global
temporary table, ##wcProjectNNNNN, for each connection (NNNNN = @@SPID) which will get loaded with a list
of the columns and their default order from the sys.all_columns table, e.g.,
SELECT name, column_id INTO ##wcProject42 FROM sys.all_columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(@object)
If @object is 'PUBS.TITLEAUTHOR' then the resulting table will be
name column_id
au_id 1
title_id 2
au_ord 3
royaltyper 4
Each term in the comma-separated list, @colnames, is used to filter this table to determine which
columns should be included in the select list which is built using a dynamic SQL statement. For
example, if @colnames = 'au%,royalty%' then code similar to the following is generated to create
the select list "[au_id],[au_ord],[royaltyper],":
SET @sql = ''
SELECT @sql = @sql + '[' + name + '],' FROM ##wcProject42
WHERE name LIKE 'au%' OR name LIKE 'royalty%'
The select list is cleaned up and the optional WHERE and ORDER BY clauses are concatenated to it,
when necessary, to create the final SQL statement which is either executed or returned to the caller
as requested. The selected columns may be ordered alphabetically or via their default ordering hence
the need for the "column_id" column.
-- Examples --
set nocount on use master
declare @sql VARCHAR(8000) set @sql='' exec sp_wcProject 'sys.databases','name,database_id,reco%,%ansi%', @sql out print @sql exec (@sql)
exec sp_wcProject 'master.sys.database_principals',@maxWidth=18 exec sp_wcProject 'master.sys.database_principals','name,type%,%[_]id,%role%','P',@where='type=''S''' -- 'P' means print the SELECT statement instead of running it
exec sp_wcProject 'sys.databases','name,database_id,%desc,%ansi%',@where='owner_sid<>1',@orderBy='name',@maxWidth=10 exec sp_wcProject 'sys.databases','name,database_id,%desc,%ansi%,-log%,-page%',@where='owner_sid<>1',@orderBy='name',@maxWidth=10 exec sp_wcProject 'sys.databases','-source%,-co%,-is%,-%sid,-%guid,-log%',@where='owner_sid<>1',@orderBy='name',@maxWidth=10 exec sp_wcProject 'sys.databases','name,is%,-%on'
exec sp_wcProject 'dbo.authors','%name%' -- This will fails unless there is an "authors" object in the master db exec sp_wcProject 'pubs.dbo.authors','au%',@orderby='au_lname,au_fname' exec sp_wcProject 'northwind.sys.sysfiles','%name%,%id','p' -- 'p' means print the SELECT statement instead of running it
exec sp_wcProject 'sys.master_files','%name%,%desc,is%',@orderbyname=0 exec sp_wcProject 'sys.master_files','%name%,%desc,is%',@orderbyname=0,@maxwidth=20 exec sp_wcProject 'sys.master_files','%name%,%desc,is%',@orderbyname=1,@maxwidth=20 exec sp_wcProject 'sys.master_files','%name%,%desc,is%,-%only',@orderbyname=1,@maxwidth=20
exec sp_wcProject 'pubs.sys.fn_dblog(null,null)', 'current_lsn,operation,page_id,slot_id%row%,Checkpoint%,M%LSN,spid,Tran%Begin%,lock%,%contents%' ,@top=8 -- Show row log contents but limit its width also by converting it to character: exec sp_wcProject 'pubs.sys.fn_dblog(null,null)', 'current_lsn,operation,page_id,slot_id%row%,Checkpoint%,M%LSN,spid,Tran%Begin%,lock%,%contents%', @maxWidth='-22B' -- To add a trailing "B" to convert binary to char you must pass a string value ,@top=8 exec sp_wcProject 'pubs.sys.fn_dblog(null,null)', 'current_lsn,operation,page_id,slot_id%row%,Checkpoint%,M%LSN,spid,Tran%Begin%,lock%,%contents%', @maxWidth=-15,@top=8
exec sp_wcProject 'pubs.dbo.discounts' exec sp_wcProject 'pubs.dbo.discounts','discount%',@maxWidth=12
exec sp_wcProject 'pubs.dbo.authors' exec sp_wcProject 'pubs.dbo.authors',@maxWidth=5 exec sp_wcProject 'pubs.dbo.authors',@maxWidth=-5