Returns SQL server logins as a runnable script. Not a cleanup script. (updated 7/14/2004 to handle longer passwords that occurred in a previous service pack.)
if exists (select *
from dbo.sysobjects
where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[sp_GetLoginInfo]')
and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[sp_GetLoginInfo]
Create procedure [dbo].[sp_GetLoginInfo]
/*******************************************************************/--Name : sp_GetLoginInfo
--Server : Generic
--Description : Captures SQL Login info.
-- : Works in ISQL/W, ISQL, OSQL & Query Analyzer
--Date : 07/29/2001
--Author : Clint Herring
--History :
Print '-- Server: ' + @@servername
Print '-- Date captured: ' + convert(varchar(26), GetDate(),113)
-- Declare variable(s)
Declare @rtn int
print ''
Print '-- This output is a runnable script. Restores logins and server role memberships.'
--Getting nt login info
print '-- Script for restoring nt sql logins...'
select 'Exec sp_grantlogin ''' + loginname + ''''
from master.dbo.syslogins
where isntname = 1
and name <> 'Administrator'
and name <> 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
and name is not null
--Getting sql login info
print ''
print '-- Script for restoring std sql logins...'
select cast('Exec sp_addlogin ''' + a.loginname + ''', ' as varchar(40)),
cast(',''' + a.dbname + ''', ' +
'''' + a.language + ''', ' as varchar(35)),
',''skip_encryption'' '
from master.dbo.syslogins a,
master.dbo.sysxlogins b
where a.isntname = 0
and a.sid = b.sid
and b.name not in ('sa','repl_publisher','repl_subscriber')
order by b.name
Print ''
--Getting server role info
print ''
print '-- Scripts for restoring server role members...'
select 'Exec sp_addsrvrolemember ''' + name + ''',''sysadmin'''
from sysxlogins
where xstatus&16 = 16
and name not in ('sa','BUILTIN\Administrators')
and isrpcinmap = 0
and ishqoutmap = 0
and selfoutmap = 0
select 'Exec sp_addsrvrolemember ''' + name + ''',''securityadmin'''
from sysxlogins
where xstatus&32 = 32
and name not in ('sa','BUILTIN\Administrators')
and isrpcinmap = 0
and ishqoutmap = 0
and selfoutmap = 0
select 'Exec sp_addsrvrolemember ''' + name + ''',''serveradmin'''
from sysxlogins
where xstatus&64 = 64
and name not in ('sa','BUILTIN\Administrators')
and isrpcinmap = 0
and ishqoutmap = 0
and selfoutmap = 0
select 'Exec sp_addsrvrolemember ''' + name + ''',''setupadmin'''
from sysxlogins
where xstatus&128 = 128
and name not in ('sa','BUILTIN\Administrators')
and isrpcinmap = 0
and ishqoutmap = 0
and selfoutmap = 0
select 'Exec sp_addsrvrolemember ''' + name + ''',''processadmin'''
from sysxlogins
where xstatus&256 = 256
and name not in ('sa','BUILTIN\Administrators')
and isrpcinmap = 0
and ishqoutmap = 0
and selfoutmap = 0
select 'Exec sp_addsrvrolemember ''' + name + ''',''diskadmin'''
from sysxlogins
where xstatus&512 = 512
and name not in ('sa','BUILTIN\Administrators')
and isrpcinmap = 0
and ishqoutmap = 0
and selfoutmap = 0
select 'Exec sp_addsrvrolemember ''' + name + ''',''dbcreator'''
from sysxlogins
where xstatus&1024 = 1024
and name not in ('sa','BUILTIN\Administrators')
and isrpcinmap = 0
and ishqoutmap = 0
and selfoutmap = 0