Compile in master. Set your QA output to text. When run from the db of interest it generates checksum select statements for each user table in the db composed of the PK columns and a checksum for all columns excluding text, ntext, image and sql-variant. There are no parameters. Modify for your own use. Save your output to a sql file. If any tables exist in the db that do not have a PK then those are listed at the end commented out.
Checksum can use (*) unless text, ntext, image and sql-variant datatypes exist otherwise it must use a specified list excluding columns having these datatypes.
The order is by table id not table name.
if exists (select *
from dbo.sysobjects
where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[sp_gen_checksum_selects]')
and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[sp_gen_checksum_selects]
Create procedure dbo.sp_gen_checksum_selects
/***5***10***15***20***25***30***35***40***45***50***55***60***65***70***75**/--Name : sp_gen_checksum_selects
--Description : Generates checksum select statments for each user table in a
-- db composed of the PK columns and a checksum for all columns
-- excluding text, ntext, image and sql-variant.
--Parameters : None
--Comments : The order is by table id not name. If any tables exist in
-- the db that do not have a PK then those are listed at the
-- end commented out.
--Notes : Checksum can use (*) unless text, ntext, image and sql-variant
-- datatypes exist otherwise it must use a specified list
-- excluding columns having these datatypes.
--Date : 04/14/2005
--Author : Clinton Herring
--History : Date Initials First change, etc.
-- set nocount on
Set nocount on
-- If temp table exists drop them before attempting to create them.
If (Select object_id('tempdb.dbo.#usertbls')) > 0
Exec ('Drop table #usertbls')
-- Create a usertbl list holding table
Create table #usertbls(
id int null,
name sysname null,
uid int null,
owner sysname null)
-- Declare variables
Declare @tblid int
Declare @tblname sysname
Declare @tbluid int
Declare @tblowner sysname
Declare @pkcols varchar(4000)
Declare @cols varchar(4000)
Set @pkcols = ''
Set @cols = ''
-- Load user tble list
Insert into #usertbls
Select a.id, a.name, a.uid, b.name
from sysobjects a
join sysusers b
on a.uid = b.uid
and a.type = 'U'
and a.status >= 0
left outer join sysobjects c
on a.id = c.parent_obj
and c.type = 'K'
where c.parent_obj is not null
-- Select the first table to process
Select @tblid = min(id) from #usertbls
While @tblid is not null
-- Get additional info.
Select @tblname = name, @tblowner = owner, @tbluid = uid
from #usertbls where id = @tblid
-- Get the pk column list.
Select @pkcols = @pkcols + a.name + ', '
from syscolumns a
join sysobjects b
on a.id = b.id
and b.type = 'U'
and b.status >= 0
and b.name = @tblname
and b.uid = @tbluid
join sysindexes c
on b.id = c.id
and (c.status & 0x800) = 0x800 --PK index
join syscolumns d --needed when PK is not 1st column
on a.id = d.id
and d.colid <= c.keycnt
and a.name = index_col (@tblowner + '.' + b.name, c.indid, d.colid)
-- Get list from checksum function.
If not exists(Select a.name
from syscolumns a
join sysobjects b
on a.id = b.id
and b.type = 'U'
and b.status >= 0
and b.name = @tblname
and b.uid = @tbluid
and a.xtype in (34,35,98,99))
Set @cols = '*'
Select @cols = @cols + a.name + ','
from syscolumns a
join sysobjects b
on a.id = b.id
and b.type = 'U'
and b.status >= 0
and b.name = @tblname
and b.uid = @tbluid
and a.xtype not in (34,35,98,99)
Select @cols = substring(@cols,1,datalength(@cols)-1)
-- Display results for each table.
Print '-- For table ' + @tblowner + '.' + @tblname
Print 'Select ' + @pkcols + 'checksum(' + @cols + ') ' +
'from ' + @tblowner + '.' + @tblname
Print 'go'
-- Reset variables
Set @pkcols = ''
Set @cols = ''
-- Get next table id.
Select @tblid = min(id) from #usertbls where id > @tblid
-- Check for table with no PK; if any print list.
If exists (Select a.name
from sysobjects a
join sysusers b
on a.uid = b.uid
and a.type = 'U'
and a.status >= 0
left outer join sysobjects c
on a.id = c.parent_obj
and c.type = 'K'
where c.parent_obj is null)
-- List tables not having a PK and then remove them from the temp tbl.
Print ''
Print '/*'
Print 'The following tables do not have a primary key and will no be included.'
Select b.name + '.' + a.name
from sysobjects a
join sysusers b
on a.uid = b.uid
and a.type = 'U'
and a.status >= 0
left outer join sysobjects c
on a.id = c.parent_obj
and c.type = 'K'
where c.parent_obj is null
order by a.name
Print '*/'