Technical Article

SP to show information about log in databases


It calculates log free space in mb and in percent for all databases, and also show the quantity of different objects for one databases.

Create Proc proc_logSpace
@dbname Varchar(20)=Null
**Author Rodrigo Acosta
**proc_logSpace: It shows the log space used, free and size for all databases
**or for the one you specified, it also shows you the total count of objects
**in the specified database.
**It also warns you if the log used is too high.
Set Nocount On
**I create a temp table that will hold the information
**extracted from DBCC SQLPERF(Logspace). This will be used
**either you enter a database or not.
*/Create table #logspace
Dbname Varchar(50),
LogSize Decimal(9,3),
Logused decimal(9,3),
Status int

Declare @dbcc Varchar(50)
Set @dbcc='DBCC Sqlperf(Logspace)'

Insert #logspace
EXEC (@dbcc)

Declare @logsizeMb Decimal(9,3) --Total size in Mb
Declare @logfreeMb Decimal(9,3) --Log free in Mb
Declare @logusedMb Decimal(9,3) --Log used in Mb
Declare @logusedPercent Decimal(9,3) --Log used in percent
Declare @logfreePercent Decimal(9,3) --Log free in percent

**If a database is entered I check that exists.
**And also calculate the log space for that database
**and the total quantity of objects
**in that database.
If @dbname Is Not null
If Not Exists (
Select * from master.dbo.sysdatabases
Where name =@dbname
Print 'The databases does not exists.'
Print 'Available databases are:'
Select name As "Databases"
From master.dbo.sysdatabases

--Calculation of Log space
Set @logsizeMb=(
Select Logsize
From #logspace
Where dbname=@dbname
Set @logusedpercent=(
Select logused
From #logspace
Where dbname=@dbname

Set @logusedMb=(
Select (@logusedpercent*@logsizeMb)/100
Set @logfreeMb =(
Select @logsizeMb-@logusedMb
Set @logfreepercent=(
Select 100-@logusedpercent

--Total quantity of objects
**I need to create a temp table that will hold all the objects
**in the database so I can count each of the types
*/Create table #type
name Varchar(100),
xtype Varchar(10)
Declare @select Varchar(60)
Set @select='Select name,xtype from '+@dbname+'.dbo.sysobjects order by xtype'

Insert #type
EXEC (@select)

Declare @total int, @check int,@default int, @fk int, @pk int
Declare @log int, @sp int, @rule int, @replication int
Declare @system int , @trigger int, @user int , @view int, @xp int

Set @total=(Select count(*) from #type)
Set @check=(Select count(*) from #type where xtype='C')
Set @default=(Select count(*) from #type where xtype='D')
Set @fk=(Select count(*) from #type where xtype='F')
Set @pk=(Select count(*) from #type where xtype='K')
Set @log=(Select count(*) from #type where xtype='L')
Set @sp=(Select count(*) from #type where xtype='P')
Set @rule=(Select count(*) from #type where xtype='R')
Set @replication=(Select count(*) from #type where xtype='RF')
Set @system=(Select count(*) from #type where xtype='S')
Set @trigger=(Select count(*) from #type where xtype='TR')
Set @user=(Select count(*) from #type where xtype='U')
Set @view=(Select count(*) from #type where xtype='V')
Set @xp=(Select count(*) from #type where xtype='X')

Drop Table #type

**Now that I have the information of the log
**and the objects i printed it to the screem
*/Print 'Information for Database "'+@dbname+'"'
Print ''
Print 'Log information'
Print '---------------'
Print 'Log Size in Mb: '+Convert(Varchar(10),@logsizeMb)
Print 'Log Used in Mb: '+Convert(Varchar(10),@logusedMb)+'Log Used in Percent: '+Convert(Varchar(10),@logusedPercent)
Print 'Log Free in Mb: '+Convert(Varchar(10),@logfreeMb)+'Log Free in Percent: '+Convert(Varchar(10),@logfreepercent)
**I put some kind of alert that warns you if the log used percent is 
**above 90 percent.
*/If @logusedpercent>90
Print '!!!WARNING Log Used is too high. Backup the log'

Print ''
Print 'Quantity of objects'
Print '-------------------'
Print 'Check: '+Convert(Varchar(3),@check)+'Trigger: '+Convert(Varchar(3),@trigger)
Print 'Default: '+Convert(Varchar(3),@default)+'Rule: '+Convert(Varchar(3),@rule)
Print 'Foreign Key: '+Convert(Varchar(3),@fk)+'System: '+Convert(Varchar(3),@system)
Print 'Primary Key/Unique: '+Convert(Varchar(3),@pk)+'View: '+Convert(Varchar(3),@view)
Print 'Log: '+Convert(Varchar(3),@log)+'Replication Filter SP: '+Convert(Varchar(3),@replication)
Print 'Stored Procedure: '+Convert(Varchar(3),@sp)+'User: '+Convert(Varchar(3),@user)
Print 'Extended Procedure: '+Convert(Varchar(3),@xp)
**Now I show the log information for all Databases
Print ''
Print 'Log information for all databases'
Print '---------------------------------'
Print '(To see information for only one database re-run the stored procedure with the database name)'
Print ''
Print ''
Declare log Cursor For
Select dbname From #logspace
Open log
Fetch Next from log into @dbname
While @@Fetch_status=0
Print 'Database "'+@dbname+'"'
Set @logsizeMb=(
Select Logsize
From #logspace
Where dbname=@dbname
Set @logusedpercent=(
Select logused
From #logspace
Where dbname=@dbname

Set @logusedMb=(
Select (@logusedpercent*@logsizeMb)/100
Set @logfreeMb =(
Select @logsizeMb-@logusedMb
Set @logfreepercent=(
Select 100-@logusedpercent
Print 'Log Size in Mb: '+Convert(Varchar(10),@logsizeMb)
Print 'Log Used in Mb: '+Convert(Varchar(10),@logusedMb)+'Log Used in Percent: '+Convert(Varchar(10),@logusedPercent)
Print 'Log Free in Mb: '+Convert(Varchar(10),@logfreeMb)+'Log Free in Percent: '+Convert(Varchar(10),@logfreepercent)
**I put some kind of alert that warns you if the log used percent is 
**above 90 percent.
*/If @logusedpercent>90
Print '!!!WARNING Log Used is too high. Backup the log'
Print ''
Fetch Next from log into @dbname

Close log
Deallocate Log


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