Usage of this script:
If the exact table name is known then specify the table name to the stored procedure else include the wild cards
EXEC FindTable 'Employee'
EXEC FindTable '%Employee%'
Usage of this script:
If the exact table name is known then specify the table name to the stored procedure else include the wild cards
EXEC FindTable 'Employee'
EXEC FindTable '%Employee%'
Create Proc FindTable @TableName nVarchar(50) As /* Purpose : Search for a Table in all databases Author: Sandesh Segu Date: 17th July 2009 Version: 1.0 */Create Table #temp (DatabaseName varchar(50),SchemaName varchar(50),TableName varchar(50)) Declare @SQL Varchar(500) Set @SQL='Use [?] ; if exists(Select name from sys.tables where name like '''+@TableName+''') insert into #temp Select ''?'' AS DatabaseName ,SS.Name AS SchemaName ,ST.Name AS TableName from sys.tables as ST , sys.schemas SS where ST.Schema_ID=SS.Schema_ID and like '''+@TableName+'''' EXEC sp_msforeachdb @SQL Select * from #temp Drop table #temp GO