You can return the date as a string (varchar) in whatever date format you like by adding a 'style' to the CONVERT statement. Exmaples of style values are (two left hand columns):
1 101 USA mm/dd/yy
2 102 ANSI
3 103 British/French dd/mm/yy
4 104 German
5 105 Italian dd-mm-yy
6 106 - dd mon yy
The three-digit styles give you four-figure year values. Look up 'CAST and CONVERT' in SQL Server books for more configurations
From Paul Hickman
SCA Computing Ltd, Lyndhurst, UK
A Normalization Primer
For most DBAs, normalization is an understood concept, a bread and butter bit of knowledge. However, it is not at all unusual to review a database design by a development group for an OLTP (OnLine Transaction Processing) environment and find that the schema chosen is anything but properly normalized. This article by Brian Kelley will give you the core knowledge to data model.
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