Technical Article

Script to compare 2 tables


This procedure will compare the two tables Table1 & Table2 and will display the value which is present in Table1 but not present in Table2.

Object: Stored Procedure
Name: usp_SyncTables
Prepared by: Hemal Shah (Database Administrator)
Purpose     :
This procedure will compare the two tables Table1 & Table2 and will display the 
value which is present in Table1 but not present in Table2.
Input Para:-
      Table1            - Table 1
      Table2            - Table 2
      pKeys             - No of primary keys in Table1      
      pKey1             - Name of pk1     
      pKey2             - Name of pk2
      pKey3             - Name of pk3
      pKey4             - Name of pk4
      T1ColumnList      - List of fields in Table1
      T2ColumnList      - List of fields in Table2 ('' by default)
Condition: The structure of the both the tables should be same
Usage: exec usp_SyncTables 'Test1','Test2',1,'id','','','','id,fullname,ts'
      @Table1 varchar(100), 
      @Table2 Varchar(100), 
      @pKeys int,
      @pKey1 varchar(100),
      @pKey2 varchar(100)= '',
      @pKey3 varchar(100)= '',
      @pKey4 varchar(100)= '',
      @T1ColumnList varchar(1000),
      @T2ColumnList varchar(1000) = ''
declare @SQL varchar(8000);
IF @T2ColumnList = '' SET @T2ColumnList = @T1ColumnList
IF @pKeys = 1
      SET @SQL = 'SELECT a.* FROM ' + @Table1 + ' a' + 
      ' LEFT OUTER JOIN ' + @Table2 + ' b' + 
      ' ON ' + 'a' + '.' + @pKey1 + ' = ' + 'b' + '.' + @pKey1
      + ' WHERE ' + 'b' + '.' + @pKey1 + ' IS NULL'

IF @pKeys = 2
      SET @SQL = 'SELECT a.* FROM ' + @Table1 + ' a' + 
      ' LEFT OUTER JOIN ' + @Table2 + ' b' + 
      ' ON ' + 'a' + '.' + @pKey1 + ' = ' + 'b' + '.' + @pKey1 + ' AND ' +
      'a' + '.' + @pKey2 + ' = ' + 'b' + '.' + @pKey2
      + ' WHERE ' + 'b' + '.' + @pKey1 + ' IS NULL' + ' OR ' +
      'b' + '.' + @pKey2 + ' IS NULL'

IF @pKeys = 3
      SET @SQL = 'SELECT a.* FROM ' + @Table1 + ' a' + 
      ' LEFT OUTER JOIN ' + @Table2 + ' b' + 
      ' ON ' + 'a' + '.' + @pKey1 + ' = ' + 'b' + '.' + @pKey1 + ' AND ' +
      'a' + '.' + @pKey2 + ' = ' + 'b' + '.' + @pKey2 + ' AND ' +
      'a' + '.' + @pKey3 + ' = ' + 'b' + '.' + @pKey3
      + ' WHERE ' + 'b' + '.' + @pKey1 + ' IS NULL' + ' OR ' +
      'b' + '.' + @pKey2 + ' IS NULL' + ' OR ' +
      'b' + '.' + @pKey3 + ' IS NULL'

IF @pKeys = 4
      SET @SQL = 'SELECT a.* FROM ' + @Table1 + ' a' + 
      ' LEFT OUTER JOIN ' + @Table2 + ' b' + 
      ' ON ' + 'a' + '.' + @pKey1 + ' = ' + 'b' + '.' + @pKey1 + ' AND ' +
      'a' + '.' + @pKey2 + ' = ' + 'b' + '.' + @pKey2 + ' AND ' +
      'a' + '.' + @pKey3 + ' = ' + 'b' + '.' + @pKey3 + ' AND ' +
      'a' + '.' + @pKey4 + ' = ' + 'b' + '.' + @pKey4
      + ' WHERE ' + 'b' + '.' + @pKey1 + ' IS NULL' + ' OR ' +
      'b' + '.' + @pKey2 + ' IS NULL' + ' OR ' +
      'b' + '.' + @pKey3 + ' IS NULL' + ' OR ' +
      'b' + '.' + @pKey4 + ' IS NULL'



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