Script to automatically restore needed log-backups
Given a backupfile with a lot of sequential log-backups, this script automatically restores just those backups out of the file, which are necessary to bring the database up to a given timelag relating to the original database.
Params are path to backupfile, name of the db to restore to, timelag in minutes.
/* **********************************************************************************
Procedure to restore TA-Logs into the Database
Params: path of the file containing the TA-log(s)
name of the database to restore into
timelag in minutes for the recovery-database
author: Karl Klingler
date: 22. April 2004
********************************************************************************** */
CREATE PROCEDURE restore_log_backups
@backupfilepath sysname,
@dbn sysname,
@stop int
-- declare variables
declare @file smallint
declare @lsn decimal
declare @minlsn decimal
declare @maxlsn decimal
declare @stopat sysname
declare @msg nvarchar(2000)
declare @cmd nvarchar(2000)
DECLARE @oldfile int
declare @backupstartdate datetime
declare @hexlsn nvarchar(22)
-- set defaults
select @lsn = 0
select @minlsn = 0
select @maxlsn = 0
select @oldfile = 0
Print '--- beginning to restore transaktion logs...'
-- convert timelag in minutes to datetime
select @stopat= dateadd(mi,-@stop,getdate())
-- temporäre Tabellen erstellen
--drop table #dblog1
--drop table #backupfile_header
select top 0 * into #dblog1 from ::fn_dblog( default, default )
CREATE TABLE #backupfile_header
BackupName nvarchar(128), BackupDescription nvarchar(255), BackupType smallint, ExpirationDate datetime, Compressed tinyint, Position smallint, DeviceType tinyint,
UserName nvarchar(128), ServerName nvarchar(128), DatabaseName nvarchar(128), DatabaseVersion int, DatabaseCreationDate datetime, BackupSize numeric(20,0),
FirstLSN numeric(25,0), LastLSN numeric(25,0), CheckpointLSN numeric(25,0), DatabaseBackupLSN numeric(25,0), BackupStartDate datetime, BackupFinishDate datetime,
SortOrder smallint, CodePage smallint, UnicodeLocaleId int, UnicodeComparisonStyle int, CompatibilityLevel tinyint, SoftwareVendorId int, SoftwareVersionMajor int,
SoftwareVersionMinor int, SoftwareVersionBuild int, MachineName nvarchar(128), Flags int, BindingID uniqueidentifier, RecoveryForkID uniqueidentifier,Collation nvarchar(128)
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'
-- get headerinfo from backupfile into table #backupfile_header
insert #backupfile_header exec ('restore headeronly from disk = ''' + @backupfilepath + ''' ' )
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'
-- get current LSN of recovery-database
insert #dblog1 exec (' use '+@dbn+' select * from ::fn_dblog( default, default )')
select @hexlsn = (select min([Current LSN]) from #dblog1)
select @lsn = master.dbo.lsn2dec(@hexlsn)
Print 'The current LSN of database '+@dbn+' is ' + convert(nvarchar,@lsn) + '.'
-- test if backupfile contains the needed TA-backup
select @minlsn = (select top 1 FirstLsn from #backupfile_header where BackupName = 'SITESQL' order by FirstLsn)
select @maxlsn = (select top 1 LastLsn from #backupfile_header where BackupName = 'SITESQL' order by LastLsn desc)
select @msg = 'The current LSN of database '+@dbn+' is ' + rtrim(convert(char,@lsn)) + ', in the backupfile ' + @backupfilepath + ' are LSN''s from ' + rtrim(convert(char,@minlsn)) + ' to ' + rtrim(convert(char,@maxlsn)) + ' !'
-- if not raise hell about it
if @lsn < @minlsn or @lsn > @maxlsn
RAISERROR ( @msg,16,1) with LOG, NOWAIT
else print @msg
-- for all valid TA-backups in the backupfile: recover them, but only up until timelag
while not ((select Position from #backupfile_header where BackupName = 'SITESQL' and FirstLSN<=@lsn and LastLsn>@lsn)) is NULL
-- get current LSN of recovery-database
delete from #dblog1
insert #dblog1 exec (' use '+@dbn+' select * from ::fn_dblog( default, default )')
-- select @hexlsn = (select min([Current LSN]) from master.dbo.dblog where Operation = 'LOP_BEGIN_RECOVERY')
select @hexlsn = (select min([Current LSN]) from #dblog1)
select @lsn = master.dbo.lsn2dec(@hexlsn)
Print ''
Print 'The current LSN of database '+@dbn+' is ' + convert(nvarchar,@lsn) + '.'
-- get fileposition
select @file = (select Position from #backupfile_header where BackupName = 'SITESQL' and FirstLSN<=@lsn and LastLsn>@lsn)
-- same position twice means problems, break
if @oldfile = @file begin
Print '--- Restore finished, have been trying to restore twice the same fileposition'
-- get and print some info about current recovery
select @minlsn = (select FirstLsn from #backupfile_header where BackupName = 'SITESQL' and position = @file)
select @maxlsn = (select LastLsn from #backupfile_header where BackupName = 'SITESQL' and position = @file)
select @backupstartdate = (select BackupStartDate from #backupfile_header where BackupName = 'SITESQL' and position = @file)
Print 'The current position in the backupfile is '+rtrim(convert(char,@file))+', first LSN is '+rtrim(convert(char,@minlsn)) + ', last LSN is ' + rtrim(convert(char,@maxlsn)) + '.'
Print 'Stopat is "' + @stopat + '", BackupStartDate is "' + rtrim(convert(varchar,@backupstartdate)) + '".'
if @backupstartdate > dateadd(mi,-@stop,getdate()) Begin
Print '--No need to restore this backup, it was done at "' + rtrim(convert(varchar,@backupstartdate)) + '", '
Print 'restoring now just to "' + @stopat + '". ending restore...'
-- kick all users out of the recovery-db
exec master..user_trennen @dbn
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'
-- do the actual recovery
set @cmd = 'RESTORE LOG '+@dbn+' FROM DISK = ''' + @backupfilepath + '''
WITH DBO_ONLY, STANDBY = ''e:\undo_'+@dbn+' .ldf'', STOPAT = ''' + @stopat + ''', FILE = ' + convert(varchar,@file)
Print 'SQL-Command: "' + @cmd + '".'
EXEC (@cmd)
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'
-- memorize fileposition
select @oldfile = @file
drop table #dblog1
drop table #backupfile_header
-- now no more backups in this backupfile
Print 'No more logs to restore from backupfile ' + @backupfilepath + '!. ' + convert(nvarchar,getdate())
Print '--- Ending the restore of transaktion logs...'