Please download the sqb2mtf.exe application from
Make sure the xp_cmshell is enabled.
Provide the correct path/values for the variables.
Once done, please execute the whole script.
Please download the sqb2mtf.exe application from
Make sure the xp_cmshell is enabled.
Provide the correct path/values for the variables.
Once done, please execute the whole script.
-- To enable xp_cmdshell in the server if not enabled. exec sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1 reconfigure with override; go declare@getRGFileNames nvarchar(1000), @rgpath nvarchar(200) set @rgpath ='C:\DatabaseBackup\TransactionLogs\' -- Location for the Red Gate transaction path create table #TempRGFileList ( RGFileName varchar(400) null, ) select@getRGFileNames = 'xp_cmdshell ' + '''DIR /b ' + @rgpath +'''' insertinto #TempRGFileList (RGFileName) execute(@getRGFileNames) create table #TransactionRestoreDatabaseDetails ( RowNumberintnot null, RGFileNamenvarchar(300)not null, createdatedatetimenot null, ConvertFilenvarchar(2000)null, Restorecmdnvarchar(2000)null, Remarksnvarchar(1000)null, Updatedatetimedatetimenull ); insert into #TransactionRestoreDatabaseDetails ( RowNumber, RGFileName, createdate, Updatedatetime ) selectrow_number() over (order by RGFilename desc) as 'RowNumber', RGFilename, getdate(), getdate() from#TempRGFileList whereRGFilename is not null; Declare @rg_TrnPathnvarchar(300), @sql_TrnPathnvarchar(300), @filenamenvarchar(300), @sqlFilenamenvarchar(300), @countint, @scriptnvarchar(2000), @restorecmdnvarchar(2000), @trnFile0nvarchar(300), @trnFile1nvarchar(300), @trnFile2nvarchar(300), @appPathnvarchar(100), @databaseNamenvarchar(100) select@rg_TrnPath= 'C:\DatabaseBackup\RG_Backup\', --Location where the Red Gate transaction logs are present. @sql_TrnPath= 'C:\DatabaseBackup\TransactionLogs\', -- Location where the SQL Transaction logs will be extracted. @appPath= 'C:\DatabaseBackup\sqb2mtf.exe ', -- Location for the application of to extract the Red Gate files into .trn files. @databaseName= '[DatabaseName]'; -- name of the database for restoring transactions. select@count = count(1) fromTransactionRestoreDatabaseDetails; while(@count >=1) begin select@filename = RGFileName fromTransactionRestoreDatabaseDetails whereRowNumber = @count select @sqlFilename = replace(@filename, 'sqb', 'trn') select @script= 'xp_cmdshell'+ ''''+ @appPath+ ' "' + @rg_TrnPath + @filename + '"' + ' "'+ @sql_TrnPath + @sqlFilename +'"' +'''' print @script; exec(@script) select@trnFile0= replace(@sqlFilename, '.trn' , '_00.trn'), @trnFile1= replace(@sqlFilename, '.trn' , '_01.trn'), @trnFile2= replace(@sqlFilename, '.trn' , '_02.trn') select @restorecmd= ' RESTORE LOG ' + @databaseName + ' FROM DISK = N'''+@sql_TrnPath + @trnFile0 +''',' + ' DISK = N'''+ @sql_TrnPath + @trnFile1 +''',' + ' DISK = N'''+ @sql_TrnPath + @trnFile2 +'''' + ' WITH FILE = 1, NORECOVERY, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10' print @restorecmd; exec (@restorecmd) updateTransactionRestoreDatabaseDetails setRemarks= 'Restore completed for ' + @trnFile0 + '; '+ @trnFile1 + '; ' + @trnFile2, ConvertFile= @script, Restorecmd= @restorecmd, Updatedatetime = getdate() whereRowNumber = @count select @count = @count - 1 end go