Technical Article

Read all trace file data and print the action performed


1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.

2. Copy and Paste the script.

3. Run it.

declare @tracelocation varchar(4000);
declare @CMD varchar(2000);
declare @count int
CREATE TABLE #CommandShell (ID int identity(1,1), [FileName] VARCHAR(1024), FullFileName varchar(1024));
set @tracelocation = (SELECT REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(path), CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(path)), 256)) FROM sys.traces WHERE is_default = 1);
SET @CMD = 'DIR ' + @tracelocation + '*.TRC' + '/B'

INSERT INTO #CommandShell ([FileName])
EXEC MASTER..xp_cmdshell @CMD 

DELETE FROM #CommandShell where [FileName] is null
UPDATE #CommandShell
SET [FullFileName] = CAST(@tracelocation AS VARCHAR(4000)) +  CAST([FileName] AS VARCHAR(100))

select @count = max(id) from #CommandShell
declare @i int=1
declare @cur_file varchar(1024), @cur_file_only varchar(1024)
WHILE (@i<=@count)
select @cur_file = (select [FullFileName] from #CommandShell where [ID] = @i)
select @cur_file_only = (select [FileName] from #CommandShell where [ID] = @i)
 select ObjectName
   ,       DatabaseName
   ,       StartTime
   ,       EventClass
   ,       EventSubClass
   ,       ObjectType
   ,       ServerName
   ,       LoginName
   ,       ApplicationName
   ,       @cur_file_only as [FileName]
   from ::fn_trace_gettable( @cur_file, default ) 
   where EventClass in (164, 46,47,108,104, 110, 152,117) and EventSubclass = 0 and DatabaseID =5
   set @i = @i +1
drop table #CommandShell


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