simply create the function on the database and access it like this:
select dbo.fx_getrandomnumber(500, 300, rand())
if @maxvalue is null and @minvalue is null then a random number between 0 and a hundred is returned.
simply create the function on the database and access it like this:
select dbo.fx_getrandomnumber(500, 300, rand())
if @maxvalue is null and @minvalue is null then a random number between 0 and a hundred is returned.
set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: CHRIS MORTON -- Create date: 19-11-08 -- Description: GENERATES A RANDOM INTEGER BETWEEN A CERTAIN RANGE. DEFAULT RANDOM NUMBER BETWEEN 0 - 100 -- ============================================= ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[FX_GetRandomNumber] ( @MaxValue BIGINT, @MinValue BIGINT, @RandomNumber FLOAT ) RETURNS BIGINT AS BEGIN DECLARE @RandomInteger BIGINT IF @MaxValue IS NULL BEGIN SET @MaxValue = 100 END IF @MinValue IS NULL BEGIN SET @MinValue = 0 END SELECT @RandomInteger = ( ( @MaxValue + 1 ) - @MinValue ) * @RandomNumber + @MinValue RETURN @RandomInteger END