Step 1: Create the view
Step 2: Join with sys.sysdatabases and check the connection details
Step 1: Create the view
Step 2: Join with sys.sysdatabases and check the connection details
create view sqlexec as SELECT s.spid,s.dbid,s.login_time,s.hostname, s.loginame, s.program_name,s.waittype,s.lastwaittype,s.cmd,s.blocked,s.cpu,s.memusage,s.physical_io,s.status,s.net_library,s.sql_handle ,e.text as SQL FROM sys.sysprocesses s CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(s.sql_handle) AS e select,s.* from sqlexec s,sys.sysdatabases d where s.dbid=d.dbid order by login_time desc