Execute the script in SSMS. It will return all the tables having forwarded records.
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Execute the script in SSMS. It will return all the tables having forwarded records.
/*Created By:AJAY DWIVEDI Purpose:Find tables with forwarded records */IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##HeapTablesWithForwarededRecords') IS NOT NULL TRUNCATE TABLE ##HeapTablesWithForwarededRecords CREATE TABLE ##HeapTablesWithForwarededRecords (DbName SYSNAME,TableName SYSNAME,index_id SMALLINT, index_type_desc VARCHAR(100), avg_fragmentation_in_percent SMALLINT,page_count INT, record_count INT, forwarded_record_count INT ) INSERT ##HeapTablesWithForwarededRecords exec sp_msforeachtable ' SELECTDB_NAME() as DbName,OBJECT_NAME(object_id) as TableName,index_id, index_type_desc, avg_fragmentation_in_percent,page_count, record_count, forwarded_record_count FROMsys.dm_db_index_physical_stats ( DB_ID(''dbirtc'') ,OBJECT_ID(''?'') ,NULL ,NULL ,''DETAILED'' ) '; ;with t1 as (select distinct tablename from ##HeapTablesWithForwarededRecords where index_type_desc = 'HEAP' and forwarded_record_count > 0) select tableName from ##HeapTablesWithForwarededRecords where tablename in (select tablename from t1) and forwarded_record_count is not null ;