Technical Article

Print The Calender


Friends, i am not so much exerpience person in sql. But i am just trying to do my best.

Here, i have create a store procedure that shows you complete year's calender. To show the complete year calender, you just run the script and execute the store procedure.

Leave your comments, and tell me how can i impore my sql skills.

Thanks for reading.

Vinay K



IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[calender]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[calender]

Created By :- Vinay Kumar
Created on :- 29 Jan 2008
Purpose :- Print the calender from the given Date
Create Procedure calender 
    @StartDate DateTime='01/01/2008' ----Default Value

Set nocount on

Declare @tbl Table(RowID int identity(1,1), Mon varchar(20) default '', Tue varchar(20) default '', Wed varchar(20) default '', 
                    Thu varchar(20) default '', Fri varchar(20) default '', Sat varchar(20) default '', Sun varchar(20) default '')

declare @currentMonth int
declare @CurrentDate int
declare @CurrentDay int
declare @CurrentRowID int
declare @TotalMonthDays int
declare @monthName varchar(20)
declare @YearNo int

set @YearNo = datepart(yy, @StartDate)
set @CurrentDate = datepart(dd, @StartDate)
set @currentMonth = datepart(mm, @StartDate)
set @CurrentDay = datepart(dw, @StartDate) - 2

insert @tbl(Mon) values ('')
set @CurrentRowID = @@Identity

while @currentMonth <= 12
    set @monthName = datename(m, dateadd(m, @currentMonth - 1, getdate()))
    insert @tbl(Wed, thu, Fri) values (@monthName, ' - ', Convert(Varchar, @YearNo))
    set @CurrentRowID = @@Identity
    insert @tbl(mon,tue,Wed, thu, Fri,sat,sun) values ('________', '________', '________', '________', '________', '________', '________')
    insert @tbl(Mon) values ('')
    set @CurrentRowID = @@Identity

    set @TotalMonthDays = case when @currentMonth in (1,3,5,7,8,10,12) then 31
                                when @currentMonth in (4,6,9,11) then 30
                                when @currentMonth = 2 and @YearNo % 4 = 0 then 29
                                when @currentMonth = 2 and @YearNo % 4 <> 0 then 28
    while @CurrentDate <= @TotalMonthDays 
        if @CurrentDay = 0
            insert @tbl(Mon) values ('')
            set @CurrentRowID = @@Identity
        if @CurrentDay = 0 
            update @tbl set Mon = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID
        else if @CurrentDay = 1 
            update @tbl set Tue = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID
        else if @CurrentDay = 2 
            update @tbl set Wed = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID
        else if @CurrentDay = 3 
            update @tbl set Thu = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID
        else if @CurrentDay = 4 
            update @tbl set Fri = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID
        else if @CurrentDay = 5 
            update @tbl set Sat = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID
        else if @CurrentDay = 6 
            update @tbl set Sun = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID    
        set @CurrentDate = @CurrentDate + 1
        if @CurrentDate = @TotalMonthDays - 1
            set @currentMonth = @currentMonth + 1
        set @CurrentDay = (@CurrentDay + 1) % 7
    set @CurrentDate = 1

-- Finaly show the output
select Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun from @tbl where Mon <> '' or Tue <> '' or Wed <> '' or 
                    Thu <> '' or Fri <> '' or Sat <> '' or Sun <> ''


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