Technical Article

poor mans archival of backup files and tran logs to alternate location


you have to create backups with unique filenames or the files will get overwritten, so the sql script generates that, part. then you have to create a batch job on both source and destination servers and run in a scheduled task. the first batch file copies only new backups to the remote server, usually a backup or disaster recovery server. The second scheduled batch file deletes files older than -d -7 days . so you always have 7 days of backups and transaction logs.


email if you need assistance, works great for me.

--backup job to create backups with date and time stamp

DECLARE @filename NVARCHAR(4000)
SET @filename = 'J:\Backup\baandb\baandb'+REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 100),':','_'),' ','_')+'.BAK'
exec master.dbo.xp_backup_database @database = N'baandb', @GUID = N'8D971BFB-1995-4B64-B206-A3291266BB12', @filename = N'J:\backup\baandb\baandb.BKP', @backupname = N'baandb backup', @desc = N'Backup of baandb', @init = 1, @logging = 0, @with = N'SKIP', @with = N'STATS = 10'

--also automate transaction log backups to the same folder 

--then setup a batch file to copy files every 30 minutes and email using blat if the job fails.
--This runs on database server every 30 minutes as a batch job scheduled
-- /E/D means do not copy files that already exist

xcopy j:\backups\baandb\*.trn \\yourservername\USBackups\ /E/D
if not errorlevel 0 (blat.exe j:\backups\backupsfailed.txt -to -subject "US Transaction logs archival failed")

Then on the backup location run this in a batch job to clear files older than so many days old (-d 7 = 7 day old)

forfiles -p "R:\USBackups" /s /m *.* -d -7 -c "cmd /c del @path"

you will have a poor mans backup that will automatically email you if it fails and also hold backups for so many days on second server.


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