Technical Article

Pagination through SQL Script


Pagination of the records helps in faster and better display while generating a huge report or displaying hundreds of records on the screen. Performing the pagination through SQL script is some what tricky and an average developer finds it difficult to implement. Here I am suggesting the script to resolve the pagination problem.

Use this script to get page wise display of the output. The inputs are the no of rows per page & the page no you wish to display. The same script can be applied in Northwind database to get the feeling of page wise display.

CREATE proc usp_OrderReport(
@PgNoint,-- Page No to be displayed
@RowPerPgint)-- No of Rows Per page
script name: usp_OrderReport
author: Tapan K Sahu
author's email  :
description: Getting Pagewise Report of Orders places
exec usp_OrderReport  3, 10
declare @sqlnvarchar(4000)

select@sql = 'select top ' + cast(@RowPerPg as varchar) + ' Y.OrderId, Y.CustomerId, Y.EmployeeId from (select distinct top ' +
cast(@RowPerPg * @PgNo as varchar) + ' X.OrderId, X.CustomerId, X.EmployeeId from Orders X where X.OrderId not in (select top ' +
cast(@RowPerPg * (@PgNo - 1) as varchar) + ' OrderId from ' +
'Orders Order By OrderId) Order BY X.OrderId) Y Order By Y.OrderId'

print @sql
exec sp_executesql  @sql



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