Generate a per-schema, per-procedure ordered list of all stored procedures for the current database, together with their parameters, datatypes and nullability.
2012-08-14 (first published: 2012-08-08)
2,202 reads
This helps to get list of all objects in a particular schemas.
2012-08-13 (first published: 2012-08-08)
1,115 reads
This script will print the calendar from the given date.
2012-08-13 (first published: 2012-07-31)
1,777 reads
Index Maintenance procedure with HTML Reporting capabilities. Please refer to attached script for detailed information.
2012-08-09 (first published: 2012-07-26)
1,634 reads
This simple function allows to calculate a code sequence of letters. AAA, AAB, AAAC, ADF, .... AAZ, ABA, ABC, ... ZZZ
2012-08-08 (first published: 2012-07-25)
951 reads
Make backup several databases with a cursor
2012-08-03 (first published: 2008-01-09)
2,317 reads
Enhanced sp_help_revlogin
2012-08-01 (first published: 2008-02-15)
3,179 reads
Identifies indexes with average logical fragmentation >= 30% using the DM available in MSSQL 2005. Please refer to script for more information.
2012-07-31 (first published: 2007-10-09)
4,364 reads
Get string between two delimiters
2012-07-25 (first published: 2012-07-12)
2,472 reads
This is a data quality script that locates unused Database Roles for maintenance purposes
2012-07-24 (first published: 2012-07-05)
1,409 reads