The below written query helps us find the most expensive queries from a read IO perspective. The DMV that we have used in this script is sys.dm_exec_query_stats and the function that we have used is sys.dm_exec_sql_text.
2013-09-27 (first published: 2013-09-09)
2,577 reads
This script is a universal foreach stored procedure. You can loop through everything with the help of if.
2013-09-24 (first published: 2013-09-10)
1,793 reads
Displays the information of the date of the latest backup that was done back to @daysago. When value is -0 it gives you all the backup information. The script also gives information on databases that never have been backed up.
2013-09-20 (first published: 2013-08-30)
1,568 reads
Recently I was asked to find all the Primary keys that are not clustered Indexes in the database. I constructed the below script which will help us to locate the primary keys in the database which are not clustered index.
2013-09-18 (first published: 2013-09-04)
1,913 reads
Analyzing dangerous settings in your SQL Server.
2013-09-17 (first published: 2013-02-08)
647 reads
Sales Report based on a single view
2013-09-17 (first published: 2013-09-06)
1,442 reads
Analyzing dangerous settings in your SQL Server.
2013-09-12 (first published: 2013-02-08)
1,863 reads
Use this script to find all the Foriegn Keys and their details in a database
2013-09-11 (first published: 2013-09-02)
1,411 reads
Script queries backupset & backupmediafamily tables to get latest backup file, then generates script to restore db using backup file and moves files to new locations.
2013-09-10 (first published: 2013-08-28)
1,338 reads
Kill any user processes per database or for the entire server instance.
2013-09-05 (first published: 2013-08-21)
1,506 reads