
Technical Article

Port from Oracle's TRANSLATE Function

Here is a port from the Oracle's TRANSLATE function to T-SQL. It gets three arguments: a string to be searched, a string with a set of characters to be found and replaced, and another set of characters as the replacements. Example: SELECT dbo.TRANSLATE('ABCDE', 'BD', 'CE') It will return 'ACCEE'.

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Technical Article

Script to Show All Failed Jobs in Specified Period

This script will allow you to create a stored procedure that will check a server for any jobs that have failed in a specified number of days. It has proven valuable to me, since I have servers with lots of jobs that run frequently; I got tired of checking the history of each job to […]

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Technical Article

sp_dba_checkblocked fix for sp_NotifyBlock

Problems with error 512 more than 1 result returned due to the operator outside of the query. Found this when tested with multiple blocks going on at once. It worked fine when there was only 1 block. Depending on the type of server there can be a "whole lot of blocking going on "Replaced with […]

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Technical Article

Monitor File Growth - Set Based sp_MSforeachdb

This is a script, similar to some you have seen in the past, that will monitor file growth on all databases for the given server. This script is not a fancy solution that has a tons of bells and whistles but, it is efficient. The script is a concantanation of the create table / populate […]

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Technical Article

Granting Access Permissions...

Usually when we recreate or rename a table we need to give the appropriate access permissions to the SQL users...this is very common in database under development environment where frequently table structure changes and we have to recreate it....we can accomplish this with Enterprise Manager but what will you do if Enterprise Manager fails to […]

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Technical Article

List Table Definition

System Stored Procedure to List the Table Definition of a table as a printable report. The procedure must exist in the master database. This works for any table in the current database. Do not fully qualify the tablename. Calling sample: use pubs exec sp_listtabledef 'authors'

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My 2024 in Data: Music


This is my last week of the year working (I guess I come back...

A New Word: Suente


suente– n. the state of being so familiar with someone that you can be...

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Anyone (everyone?) who has ever tried to learn a programming language knows that to...

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Timeout Error while executing a TSQL statement in Sql server Express Edition

By IT researcher

I am getting the below error when I execute a SQL command in SQL...

Timeout Error while executing a TSQL statement in Sql server Express Edition

By IT researcher

I am getting the below error when I execute a SQL command in SQL...

Sql script replace and rearrange numbers

By diegodeveloper

Hi everyone. I have this table and this information. (left side of the image)...

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We have DDL, DML, and DCL. What is DCL used for?

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