
Technical Article

Dependencies on a specific table column

SQL Server provides a built-in stored procedure, sp_depends, that returns object dependencies.  Recently, I discovered a need for determining dependencies on a table column, not just the table itself.  For example, a table may be referenced by many stored procedures and views, but a specific column in that table may only be referenced in a […]

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Technical Article

Add Check Digit (LUHN)

If you ever need to create a credit card like number this stored procedure is for you.Most credit cards contain a check digit, which is the digit at the end of the credit card number. To generate the check digit, the LUHN formula is applied to the number. To validate the credit-card number, the check […]

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Technical Article

Check user activity

This stored procedure is another monitoring utility that can be executed periodically as a sql server agent job. The procedure checks if there are any open connections, and if there was any recent user activity within a given period of time in a given (or any) database by a given (or any/any except given) login […]

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Technical Article

Delete old versions of DTS packages

This script will remove old versions of DTS packages. It accepts a single parameter which is used as a filter criteria on the package name. It will also remove package log records for the version that is deleted.EXAMPLE: EXEC usp_DelOldDTSPkgVersions @vcrPkgName = 'Devel'This will delete old versions for packages that have 'Devel' in the nameQuestions […]

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Technical Article

Remove old DTS Package versions

This Procedure is what I use to clean out all the old DTS package version on my server periodically. You just place it in the msdb database and run it as you need to.Note: Although I have never had an issue with it, I do suggest backup msdb database beforehand, just in case you wack […]

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A Couple Quick GENERATE_SERIES Tests


I had someone reach out about generate_series() recently, saying they hadn’t realized this was...

How I passed the DP-700 Exam


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Which approach to take: Build it, buy it, cloud it?


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Tracking Table Sizes

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Counting Bits IV

What does this code return in SQL Server 2022+?

select bit_count(2.4)

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