
Technical Article

Func. generates insert and select for large table

Generates an insert statement including column list.  Useful for identity table data copying.  Just modify the code generated to select and insert the needed fields.  Saves time on large table inserts (also generates a select statement.  Use part or all of the SQL generated.  Saves development time when dealing with large tables.

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Technical Article


A Procedure build Report about NEW and Deleted DB.First time you must to run p_build_check_db.This procedure build table  master..t_databases same asmaster..sysdatabases .Procedure  p_check_db compare t_databases and sysdatabases and send a report to your@E-MailAddress.Best regards. Vadim.  

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161 reads

Technical Article

Script to Define User-Defined Data Types

Our DBA and I (I'm a PowerBuilder programmer) decided to plunge head-first into UDTs. After reading the message boards, I thought maybe we could come up with a way to make them work. My solution is this stored proc. There are some assumptions made that work for our needs and some extra work that was […]

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309 reads

Technical Article

Generate Insert/Update/Delete/Get  SPROCS

This is a script that creates Insert / Update / Delete and Get stored procedures for a specific table.It will only work for tables with a unique primary key.Have a look at what is does, and if you like it, Vote for it. Maybe there are tons of sprocs out there that perform the same […]

4 (1)

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270 reads

Technical Article

Case Sensitive String Compare User Function

The script provided installs a Sql Server User Defined function which will perform a case sensitive string compare similar to the compare script submitted by Mike McManus.  The script also includes test code which may be highlighted to test the function once it is installed and provides examples of usage.

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Technical Article

Recreate dependencies in database

This procedure refresh all views of current database in good order to recreate correct dependencies lost after updating views.This procedure just call sp_refreshview and uses temporary tableExecution of this procedure prevent errors in DTS Import/Export wyzard : Copy objects and data between SQL Server databasesexec refresh_all_views_in_order -- in current database and all dependencies are ok […]

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Using Flyway Prepare for State-Based Deployments


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How I Migrated to Azure PostgreSQL Flex from Single Server


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Have a Plan for Your Personal Downtime


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