
Technical Article

How to get ColumnNames, datatypes and length

This is a followup to the script submitted by srallapalli. One can return a record set of all tables in a database using the following:USE MyDatabaseSELECT AS TableName, AS ColumnName, AS ColumnDatatype,  convert(int, sc.length) AS ColumnLength FROM syscolumns sc, sysobjects so , systypes st WHERE so.type='U' AND OBJECTPROPERTY(,'ismsshipped') = 0 AND […]

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Technical Article

Generate "CREATE...FOR ATTACH" stmt. dynamically

In instances where you have over 16 data files, or you need to move data files to a new location when you are moving a database you must use a CREATE...FOR ATTACH statement.  This script will generate the CREATE...FOR ATTACH statement dynamically given a database name.  It will take into consideration the file sizes, growths […]

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221 reads

Technical Article

Restrict simultaneous access to resources

This set of procedures allow you to control simultaneous access to any resource you are using. It mimics the behaviour of a Semaphore in programming.A typical problem where you need this, is when you have a computational intensive procedure you only want to be started a limited number of times.First, add a record to the […]

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279 reads

Technical Article

Returning data with col number

This script enables you to return data from SQL Server's table without specyfing the name of the column .All you only need to supply is the column number, that you want the data from. In the example we want to chose all rows from the second column (categories table - northwind) Column number is based […]

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Technical Article

UDF to get first date or trim time for Datepart.

Not long ago I was in a forum discussion when someone presented another way to get the date with time value of midnight by doing similar to thisDATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,@DATE),0)Which I find is much cleaner than any other option I have seen or tried myself. Seeing this I realized there are many other dates that can be […]

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How to clear the SSMS cache?


How to clear the SSMS cache? If you are reading this,...

Master SQL Subqueries with This Free Course


Want to boost your SQL game? Check out this free course, SQL Subqueries: Real-World...

Using Flyway Prepare for State-Based Deployments


One of the neat enhancements made to Flyway was the addition of state-based workflows...

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display bytea image

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I moved a table from MsSql to Postgresql that had a field defined as...

When trying to use a LocalDB, I get an error

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I tried to find an appropriate forum to post the question. This one seems...

Resolving Access Denied Errors During SQL Server Database Attachment

By Noman072

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Resolving Access Denied Errors During...

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SQL in an Azure VM Backup

If I use the Azure Backup service for automated backups of my SQL Servers in Azure VMs, how often can I configure log backups? (as of Dec 2024)

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