In real world production tuning sometimes a "quick fix" is required. This script will generate index create scripts for any column ending ID which doesn't have an index. It's dirty and its quick but you might just be amazed by the results when run against your database!
2007-07-11 (first published: 2006-10-10)
492 reads
generates an runs a select statement to convert all th olumns of a certain datatype in apirticular table to another datatype:eg all columns of type int to varchar etc the sp takes three parameters namely the table name, source data type and detination data type generates a select query ad executes it eg: exec ConvertTableTypes […]
2007-07-10 (first published: 2006-10-10)
168 reads
This script lists all the foreign keys ,the referenced and the referencing tables , along with the column information.
2007-07-09 (first published: 2006-10-04)
312 reads
I mark my SQL with a 'Todo' symbol whenever I decide something needs work, but I don't have the time to do it right away. So I wrote this usp so that I can get a quick list of stored procedures, function and views that need some extra work.It also comes in handy whenever you […]
2007-07-06 (first published: 2006-10-03)
266 reads
It is a modified version of original script I found on net. This script creates conditional Update statements too.
2007-07-05 (first published: 2006-10-03)
562 reads
Clients asked me to show a more detailed and longer text which doesn't have to be edited. So I came up with the following solution/function.This function returns a varchar time value with a description containing how many days, hours and minutes. For example 100.25 returns :'100:15( 4 Days, 4 Hours, 15 Minutes )'.I hope somebody […]
2007-07-04 (first published: 2006-10-03)
114 reads