Searches for foreign key constraints that don't have fully matching indexes. The best partial matching indexes are outputted with MatchCounts and column comparisons.
2009-10-15 (first published: 2009-10-01)
1,862 reads
Searches for tables who's names contain the search string. Gives Size and Rows information as well.
2009-10-14 (first published: 2008-08-01)
2,239 reads
Searches for actual and potential foreign key columns for a given primary key reference.
2009-10-12 (first published: 2008-06-20)
2,498 reads
Script to Find SQL Server Error Log Path
2009-10-09 (first published: 2009-09-29)
2,056 reads
Searches precompiled procedures for the provided search string, optionally limiting to names matching a 2nd search string.
2009-10-08 (first published: 2008-06-20)
1,890 reads
Searches for objects (including CLR) who's names contain the search string. outputs IDs, names, and types of the object and its parent.
2009-10-06 (first published: 2009-09-22)
1,174 reads
A script to view selects of fat rows vertically with columns in alpha order
2009-10-05 (first published: 2009-09-21)
2,223 reads
Lists Schema/Object of tables that are missing a Primary Key or Clustered Index, along with aggregate data for size, rows, indexes, and columns.
2009-10-02 (first published: 2008-11-05)
1,122 reads
This script export data into excel/CSV file using BCP comnand with column headers
2009-10-01 (first published: 2009-09-22)
3,515 reads
Ever tried to simulate a production environment in a development one but realized that you couldn't easily start 500 executions simultaneously ? This script will help you out.
2009-09-30 (first published: 2009-09-16)
2,047 reads