Technical Article

Monitoring Resource Governor Memory Grants


We've been doing some performance testing of dimensional models and during these tests discovered that our resource governor was possibly throttling the CPU unexpectedly. After some research and digging, I found a few DMV's that would allow me to monitor the status of the resource governor, specifically in the area of memory grants. I wrote a custom query that pulls in several key items to help determine just who and what is working in specific pools in the resource governor. I hope you will find this query useful.

I hope you find this helpful,

Tim Parker

SELECT session_id AS SPID, 

 ( SELECT login_name 

 FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions 

 WHERE session_id = a.session_id 

 ) AS Login_Name, 


 FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions 

 WHERE session_id = a.session_id 

 ) AS [Host_Name], 

 ( SELECT cpu_time 

 FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions 

 WHERE session_id = a.session_id 

 ) AS cpu_time, 

 ( SELECT reads 

 FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions 

 WHERE session_id = a.session_id 

 ) AS reads, 

 ( SELECT writes 

 FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions 

 WHERE session_id = a.session_id 

 ) AS writes, 


 SELECT TOP 1 [text] 

 FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans P 

 CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(a.plan_handle) 

 ) AS SQL_Query, 

 ( SELECT name 

 FROM sys.dm_resource_governor_workload_groups 

 WHERE group_id = a.group_id 

 ) AS Group_Name, 


 CAST(DATEDIFF(mi, request_time, GETDATE()) AS VARCHAR(3)) + ' Minute(s)' AS Run_Time_Minutes, 

 ( requested_memory_kb / 1024 ) AS requested_memory_mb, 



 ( ideal_memory_kb / 1024 ) AS ideal_memory_mb, 

 ( ( ideal_memory_kb - requested_memory_kb ) / 1024 ) AS memory_required_mb 

FROM sys.dm_exec_query_memory_grants a


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