Technical Article

Logshipping Backup Files Management



The problem occurs very frequent in the environments where Log Shipping is configured. Many times log files on disk get larger due to large SQL processes eating extra disk space This makes DBA to identify the log files which are restored on destination server and are no more required on source server , but are still occupying unnecessary space on source server disk. With this the database that are using same disk in which logs are saved can go in suspect mode If it would not be taken care in time than end users\work would be affected very badly . So to remove log files ,DBA has to first identify the primary and all the secondary servers involved in log shipping. Secondly, which all logs are restored on secondary servers , helping to identify which logs are no more required. So to resolve issues well in time, the DBA will use the automated script to do the job well in short time. This is very typical for any DBA to handle this type of situation in minimum time.


There are two separate scripts for primary and secondary log shipping server. Execute the script accordingly or schedule it as job.

 Change the value of "@DriveSpace" parameter to the Percent % free space you want on drive. At present it is set to 20. Which will leave 20% free space on drive.

/**************************************************************************//********* EXCUTE FOLLOWING SCRIPT ON PRIMARY LOGSHIPPING SERVER **********//**************************************************************************/

USE master

---Start:Store proc to get the disk space
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'master.[dbo].[Usp_Diskspace_Alert]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[Usp_Diskspace_Alert]
Create procedure Usp_Diskspace_Alert 
@iFlag char(1)=Null,
@DriveSpace int=20 --specified the Drive space
Set Nocount on
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#finan_space_drive') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #finan_space_drive 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpDriveSpaceInfo') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpDriveSpaceInfo 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpFinalDriveSpace') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpFinalDriveSpace 

Declare @Cofig varchar(2),@CofigAdv varchar(2)
DECLARE @varSQL varchar(1000), @varDrive varchar(10)

CREATE TABLE #tmpDriveSpaceInfo
(drive varchar(10),
xpFixedDrive_FreeSpace_MB bigint,
FSutil_FreeSpace_Bytes integer,
FSutil_Space_Bytes integer,
FSutil_AvailSpace_Bytes integer 

CREATE TABLE #tmpFinalDriveSpace
(drive varchar(10),
TotalSpace_MB bigint,
AvailSpace_Bytes bigint,
PercentFreeSpace int 

CREATE TABLE #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo
(drive varchar(10),
info varchar(50)

IF OBJECT_ID('master..SrvFinalDriveSpace') IS NULL 
    select * into master..SrvFinalDriveSpace from #tmpFinalDriveSpace
    truncate table master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveSpace

IF OBJECT_ID('master..SrvFinalDriveAlert') IS NULL 

    CREATE TABLE master.[dbo].[SrvFinalDriveAlert]([drive] [varchar](10) NULL,
        [percentSpace] [varchar](8) NULL)

    truncate table SrvFinalDriveAlert

INSERT INTO #tmpDriveSpaceInfo (drive, xpFixedDrive_FreeSpace_MB)
EXEC master..xp_fixeddrives

DECLARE CUR_DriveLooper CURSOR FOR SELECT drive FROM #tmpDriveSpaceInfo

OPEN CUR_DriveLooper
FETCH NEXT FROM CUR_DriveLooper INTO @varDrive
SET @varSQL = 'EXEC master..XP_CMDSHELL ' + ''''+ 'fsutil volume diskfree ' + @varDrive + ':' + ''''
INSERT INTO #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo (info)
UPDATE #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo SET drive = @varDrive WHERE drive IS NULL
FETCH NEXT FROM CUR_DriveLooper INTO @varDrive

DELETE FROM #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo WHERE info IS NULL
CLOSE CUR_DriveLooper

SELECT drive,
ltrim(rtrim(left(info,29))) as InfoType,
ltrim(rtrim(substring (info, charindex (':',info) + 2, 20))) as Size_Bytes
INTO #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed
FROM #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo

INSERT INTO #tmpFinalDriveSpace(drive,Totalspace_MB,AvailSpace_Bytes,PercentFreeSpace)
(SELECT cast(Size_Bytes as bigint) FROM #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed WHERE drive = and InfoType = 'Total # of bytes')/1048576 AS FSutil_TotalSpace_MB,
(SELECT cast(Size_Bytes as bigint) FROM #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed WHERE drive = and InfoType = 'Total # of avail free bytes')/1048576 AS FSutil_AvailableSpace_MB,
((SELECT cast(Size_Bytes as float) FROM #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed WHERE drive = and InfoType = 'Total # of avail free bytes')/1048576 )/
((SELECT cast(Size_Bytes as float) FROM #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed WHERE drive = and InfoType = 'Total # of bytes')/1048576 ) 
as int)
as percentSpace
FROM #tmpDriveSpaceInfo a
where in (select distinct
case when charindex('E$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('E:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'E'
when charindex('F$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('F:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'F'
when charindex('G$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('G:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'G'
when charindex('H$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('H:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'H'
when charindex('I$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('I:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'I'
when charindex('J$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('J:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'J'
when charindex('K$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('K:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'K'
when charindex('L$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('L:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'L'
when charindex('M$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('M:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'M'
when charindex('N$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('N:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'N'
when charindex('O$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('O:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'O'
when charindex('P$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('P:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'P'
when charindex('Q$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('Q:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'Q'
when charindex('R$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('R:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'R'
when charindex('S$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('S:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'S'
when charindex('T$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('T:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'T'
when charindex('U$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('U:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'U'
when charindex('V$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('V:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'V'
when charindex('X$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('X:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'X'
when charindex('Y$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('Y:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'Y'
when charindex('Z$',last_backup_file,1) <>0 or charindex('Z:',last_backup_file,1) <>0 then 'Z'

from msdb..log_shipping_monitor_primary)

    INSERT into master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveSpace
    SELECT * from #tmpFinalDriveSpace

    INSERT into master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert
    SELECT,case when 
    convert(int,PercentFreeSpace) < @DriveSpace then 'alert' else 'no-alert' end percentSpace
    FROM #tmpFinalDriveSpace a
    WHERE convert(int,PercentFreeSpace) < @DriveSpace

if @iFlag='S'
SELECT * from master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveSpace
if @iFlag='A'
SELECT * from master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#finan_space_drive') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #finan_space_drive 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpDriveSpaceInfo') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpDriveSpaceInfo 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpFinalDriveSpace') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpFinalDriveSpace 


---END:Store proc to get the disk space

DECLARE @varSQL varchar(1000), @varDrive varchar(10)

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp_restore_log') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp_restore_log 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp_Secondary') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Temp_Secondary 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp_restore_file') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp_restore_file 

Declare @Cofig varchar(2),@CofigAdv varchar(2)
create table #temp(id int identity(1,1),file_exist char(2))
create table #Temp_Secondary(servnm nvarchar(2000) ,id int identity(1,1))
create table #temp_restore_file(filenm nvarchar(2000) ,primary_database nvarchar(1000),last_restored_date datetime,id int identity(1,1))
---Specify the percentage 15% for drive space

exec dbo.Usp_Diskspace_Alert @iFlag=null

IF exists (select top 1 1 from master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert
where percentSpace like 'alert' )

--Start:taken the Last Restore file on secondary server
if not exists(select top 1 1 from sys.configurations 
                where name ='show advanced options' and value_in_use=1)

        exec sp_configure 'show advanced options',1
        reconfigure with override
     set @CofigAdv='S'

if not exists(select top 1 1 from sys.configurations 
            where name ='Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' and value_in_use=1)
    exec sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',1
    set @Cofig='A'

if exists(select top 1 1 from sys.configurations 
where name ='Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' and value_in_use=1)

INSERT into #Temp_Secondary(servnm)
SELECT DISTINCT 'Server='+Secondary_Server+';Trusted_Connection=yes;'
from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_primary_Secondaries

declare @maxServ int,@Cnt int,@i int
declare @QueryS nvarchar(2000)
set @i=1
set @QueryS=''

select @maxServ=max(id) from #Temp_Secondary
select @Cnt=min(id) from #Temp_Secondary

        while (@Cnt <= @maxServ)
        set @QueryS='insert into #temp_restore_file(filenm,last_restored_date,primary_database)' +char(13)        
        select @QueryS=@QueryS+'SELECT a.* FROM OPENROWSET(''SQLNCLI'','+''''+servnm+''''+
        ', ''select last_restored_file,last_restored_date,primary_database from msdb..log_shipping_monitor_secondary'') AS a;'
        from #Temp_Secondary 
        where id=@Cnt

        set @Cnt=@Cnt+1
        set @QueryS=''


--End:taken the Last Restore file on secondary server

IF @@ERROR <> 0 
 -- Return 99 to the calling program to indicate failure.
 PRINT N'An error occurred while running store proc';
        IF (@Cofig='A')
                exec sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',0
                exec sp_configure 'show advanced options',0

IF (@Cofig='A')
    exec sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',0
    exec sp_configure 'show advanced options',0

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp_restore_log') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp_restore_log 

CREATE table #temp_restore_log 
(physical_device_name nvarchar(2000),primary_database nvarchar(1000),restore_date datetime ,id int identity(1,1),file_exists char(2),Drive varchar(10))

INSERT into #temp_restore_log(physical_device_name,primary_database,restore_date,file_exists,Drive)

SELECT physical_device_name,database_name,backup_start_date, 0,
case when charindex('E$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('E:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'E'
when charindex('F$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('F:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'F'
when charindex('G$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('G:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'G'
when charindex('H$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('H:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'H'
when charindex('I$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('I:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'I'
when charindex('J$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('J:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'J'
when charindex('K$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('K:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'K'
when charindex('L$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('L:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'L'
when charindex('M$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('M:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'M'
when charindex('N$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('N:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'N'
when charindex('O$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('O:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'O'
when charindex('P$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('P:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'P'
when charindex('Q$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('Q:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'Q'
when charindex('R$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('R:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'R'
when charindex('S$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('S:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'S'
when charindex('T$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('T:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'T'
when charindex('U$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('U:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'U'
when charindex('V$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('V:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'V'
when charindex('X$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('X:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'X'
when charindex('Y$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('Y:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'Y'
when charindex('Z$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('Z:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'Z'
end Drive 
FROM msdb..backupset bs
inner join msdb..backupmediafamily bm ON bs.media_set_id = bm.media_set_id
WHERE type='L' and physical_device_name not in (select Last_backup_file from msdb..log_shipping_primary_databases 
                        where primary_database in(select secondary_database from msdb..log_shipping_primary_secondaries))

--where primary_database in(select primary_database from msdb..log_shipping_primary_databases ))

and bs.database_name in (select primary_database from msdb..log_shipping_primary_databases )

ORDER BY backup_start_date asc

--Including older Trn files older than last restored file
delete l
from #temp_restore_log l join 

SELECT R.primary_database,R.Restore_date from #temp_restore_log R join #temp_restore_file F
on R.primary_database=F.primary_database 
and ltrim(rtrim(reverse(substring(reverse(R.physical_device_name),1,charindex('\',reverse(R.physical_device_name),1) -1) )))
=ltrim(rtrim(reverse(substring(reverse(filenm),1,charindex('\',reverse(filenm),1) -1) )))

) t
on (l.primary_database=t.primary_database
and l.Restore_date >= t.Restore_date)

delete from #temp_restore_log where restore_date <= (getdate()-7)

---checking file physically exists or not:Start

declare @count1 int ,@maxcount int
select @count1=1
select @maxcount=max(id) from #temp_restore_log
declare @vfile nvarchar(max)

set @vfile=''

while (@count1 <= @maxcount)
select @vfile='declare @result int'+char(13)
select @vfile=@vfile+'execute master..xp_fileexist ''' +physical_device_name +''''+', @result output ' from #temp_restore_log where id=@count1
select @vfile=@vfile+char(13)+'select @result '

insert into #temp(File_exist)

update #temp_restore_log
set file_exists=(select File_exist from #temp where id=@count1 )
where id=@count1
set @count1=@count1+1
set @vfile=''

---checking file physically exists or not:END

delete from #temp_restore_log where file_exists='0'

exec dbo.Usp_Diskspace_Alert @iFlag=null

update #temp_restore_log
        set file_exists=0
        where drive not in (select drive from master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert)

declare @v_filename nvarchar(1000),@count int ,@mxcount int
select @count=min(id) from #temp_restore_log
select @mxcount=max(id) from #temp_restore_log

while (@count <=@mxcount)
select @v_filename=isnull(physical_device_name,'') from #temp_restore_log where id=@count and file_exists='1'

if exists(select top 1 1 from #temp_restore_log where id=@count and file_exists='1')

print 'EXEC xp_cmdshell ''del '+@v_filename+''';'

exec('xp_cmdshell ''del '+@v_filename+'''')


---Checking the drive space
exec dbo.Usp_Diskspace_Alert @iFlag=null

    if not exists(select top 1 1 from master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert)
        set @count=@mxcount
        print 'Alert'
    if exists(select top 1 1 from master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert)
        update #temp_restore_log
        set file_exists=0
        where drive not in (select drive from master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert)


set @count=@count+1
set @v_filename=''



IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp_restore_file') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp_restore_file 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp_restore_log') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp_restore_log 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp 
IF OBJECT_ID('master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp_Secondary') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Temp_Secondary
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'master.[dbo].[Usp_Diskspace_Alert]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[Usp_Diskspace_Alert]

/**************************************************************************//********* EXCUTE FOLLOWING SCRIPT ON SECONDARY LOGSHIPPING SERVER **********//**************************************************************************/

USE master

---Store proc start
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'master.[dbo].[Usp_Diskspace_Alert]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[Usp_Diskspace_Alert]
Create procedure Usp_Diskspace_Alert 
@iFlag char(1)=Null,
@DriveSpace int=20 --specified the Drive space
Set Nocount on
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpDriveSpaceInfo') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpDriveSpaceInfo 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpFinalDriveSpace') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpFinalDriveSpace 

Declare @Cofig varchar(2),@CofigAdv varchar(2)
DECLARE @varSQL varchar(1000), @varDrive varchar(10)

CREATE TABLE #tmpDriveSpaceInfo
(drive varchar(10),
xpFixedDrive_FreeSpace_MB bigint,
FSutil_FreeSpace_Bytes integer,
FSutil_Space_Bytes integer,
FSutil_AvailSpace_Bytes integer 

CREATE TABLE #tmpFinalDriveSpace
(drive varchar(10),
TotalSpace_MB bigint,
AvailSpace_Bytes bigint,
PercentFreeSpace int 

CREATE TABLE #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo
(drive varchar(10),
info varchar(50)

IF OBJECT_ID('master..SrvFinalDriveSpace') IS NULL 
    select * into master..SrvFinalDriveSpace from #tmpFinalDriveSpace
    truncate table master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveSpace

IF OBJECT_ID('master..SrvFinalDriveAlert') IS NULL 

    CREATE TABLE master.[dbo].[SrvFinalDriveAlert]([drive] [varchar](10) NULL,
        [percentSpace] [varchar](8) NULL)

    truncate table SrvFinalDriveAlert

INSERT INTO #tmpDriveSpaceInfo (drive, xpFixedDrive_FreeSpace_MB)
EXEC master..xp_fixeddrives

DECLARE CUR_DriveLooper CURSOR FOR SELECT drive FROM #tmpDriveSpaceInfo

OPEN CUR_DriveLooper
FETCH NEXT FROM CUR_DriveLooper INTO @varDrive
SET @varSQL = 'EXEC master..xp_cmdshell ' + ''''+ 'fsutil volume diskfree ' + @varDrive + ':' + ''''
INSERT INTO #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo (info)
UPDATE #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo SET drive = @varDrive WHERE drive IS NULL
FETCH NEXT FROM CUR_DriveLooper INTO @varDrive

DELETE FROM #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo WHERE info IS NULL
CLOSE CUR_DriveLooper

SELECT drive,
ltrim(rtrim(left(info,29))) as InfoType,
ltrim(rtrim(substring (info, charindex (':',info) + 2, 20))) as Size_Bytes
INTO #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed
FROM #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo

insert into #tmpFinalDriveSpace(drive,TotalSpace_MB,AvailSpace_Bytes,PercentFreeSpace)
(SELECT cast(Size_Bytes as bigint) FROM #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed WHERE drive = and InfoType = 'Total # of bytes')/1048576 AS FSutil_TotalSpace_MB,
(SELECT cast(Size_Bytes as bigint) FROM #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed WHERE drive = and InfoType = 'Total # of avail free bytes')/1048576 AS FSutil_AvailableSpace_MB,
((SELECT cast(Size_Bytes as float) FROM #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed WHERE drive = and InfoType = 'Total # of avail free bytes')/1048576 )/
((SELECT cast(Size_Bytes as float) FROM #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed WHERE drive = and InfoType = 'Total # of bytes')/1048576 ) 
as int)
as percentSpace
FROM #tmpDriveSpaceInfo a
where in (select distinct
case when charindex('E$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('E:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'E'
when charindex('F$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('F:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'F'
when charindex('G$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('G:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'G'
when charindex('H$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('H:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'H'
when charindex('I$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('I:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'I'
when charindex('J$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('J:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'J'
when charindex('K$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('K:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'K'
when charindex('L$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('L:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'L'
when charindex('M$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('M:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'M'
when charindex('N$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('N:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'N'
when charindex('O$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('O:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'O'
when charindex('P$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('P:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'P'
when charindex('Q$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('Q:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'Q'
when charindex('R$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('R:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'R'
when charindex('S$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('S:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'S'
when charindex('T$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('T:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'T'
when charindex('U$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('U:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'U'
when charindex('V$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('V:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'V'
when charindex('X$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('X:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'X'
when charindex('Y$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('Y:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'Y'
when charindex('Z$',last_restored_file,1) <>0 or charindex('Z:',last_restored_file,1) <>0 then 'Z'

from msdb..log_shipping_monitor_secondary)

insert into master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveSpace
select * from #tmpFinalDriveSpace

insert into master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert
select,case when 
convert(int,PercentFreeSpace) < @DriveSpace then 'alert' else 'no-alert' end percentSpace
FROM #tmpFinalDriveSpace a
where convert(int,PercentFreeSpace) < @DriveSpace

if @iFlag='S'
select * from master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveSpace
if @iFlag='A'
select * from master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo_Fixed 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpDriveSpaceInfo') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpDriveSpaceInfo 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpFSutilDriveSpaceInfo 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpFinalDriveSpace') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpFinalDriveSpace 


---Start:Store proc to get the disk space

DECLARE @varSQL varchar(1000), @varDrive varchar(10)

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp_flexist') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp_flexist 

Declare @Cofig varchar(2),@CofigAdv varchar(2)
create table #temp_flexist(id int identity(1,1),file_exist char(2))
---Specify the percentage 15% for drive space

exec dbo.Usp_Diskspace_Alert @iFlag=null

IF exists (select top 1 1 from master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert
where percentSpace like 'alert' )
--last restore file
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp_restore_file') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp_restore_file 
create table #temp_restore_file(filenm nvarchar(2000) ,primary_database nvarchar(1000),last_restored_date datetime,id int identity(1,1))
insert into #temp_restore_file(filenm,last_restored_date,primary_database)
select last_restored_file,last_restored_date,secondary_database from msdb..log_shipping_monitor_secondary

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp_restore_log') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp_restore_log 
CREATE table #temp_restore_log 
(physical_device_name nvarchar(2000),primary_database nvarchar(1000),restore_date datetime ,id int identity(1,1),file_exists char(2),Drive varchar(10))

insert into #temp_restore_log(physical_device_name,primary_database,restore_date,file_exists,Drive)
select physical_device_name,destination_database_name,rs.restore_date,0,
case when charindex('E$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('E:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'E'
when charindex('F$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('F:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'F'
when charindex('G$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('G:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'G'
when charindex('H$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('H:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'H'
when charindex('I$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('I:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'I'
when charindex('J$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('J:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'J'
when charindex('K$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('K:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'K'
when charindex('L$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('L:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'L'
when charindex('M$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('M:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'M'
when charindex('N$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('N:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'N'
when charindex('O$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('O:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'O'
when charindex('P$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('P:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'P'
when charindex('Q$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('Q:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'Q'
when charindex('R$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('R:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'R'
when charindex('S$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('S:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'S'
when charindex('T$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('T:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'T'
when charindex('U$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('U:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'U'
when charindex('V$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('V:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'V'
when charindex('X$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('X:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'X'
when charindex('Y$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('Y:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'Y'
when charindex('Z$',physical_device_name,1) <>0 or charindex('Z:',physical_device_name,1) <>0 then 'Z'
end Drive 
from msdb..backupmediafamily bm join msdb..backupset bs on bs.media_set_id = bm.media_set_id
join msdb..restorehistory rs on rs.backup_set_id=bs.backup_set_id
where destination_database_name in (select secondary_database from msdb..log_shipping_monitor_secondary)
and bs.type='L'
and rs.restore_date >=(getdate()-7)
order by restore_date asc
---5 days retention file check

--Including older Trn files older than last restored file

FROM #temp_restore_log l join 

SELECT R.primary_database,R.restore_date from #temp_restore_log R join #temp_restore_file F
on R.primary_database=F.primary_database 
and ltrim(rtrim(reverse(substring(reverse(R.physical_device_name),1,charindex('\',reverse(R.physical_device_name),1) -1) )))
=ltrim(rtrim(reverse(substring(reverse(filenm),1,charindex('\',reverse(filenm),1) -1) )))

) t
on (l.primary_database=t.primary_database
and l.restore_date >= t.restore_date)

---checking file physically exists or not:Start

declare @count1 int ,@maxcount int
select @count1=1
select @maxcount=max(id) from #temp_restore_log
declare @vfile nvarchar(max)

set @vfile=''

while (@count1 <= @maxcount)
select @vfile='declare @result int'+char(13)
select @vfile=@vfile+'execute master..xp_fileexist ''' +physical_device_name +''''+', @result output ' from #temp_restore_log where id=@count1
select @vfile=@vfile+char(13)+'select @result '

insert into #temp_flexist(file_exist)

update #temp_restore_log
set file_exists=(select file_exist from #temp_flexist where id=@count1 )
where id=@count1
set @count1=@count1+1
set @vfile=''
---checking file physically exists or not:END

delete from #temp_restore_log where file_exists='0'

exec dbo.Usp_Diskspace_Alert @iFlag=null

update #temp_restore_log
        set file_exists=0
        where Drive not in (select drive from master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert)

declare @v_filename nvarchar(1000),@count int ,@mxcount int
select @count=min(id) from #temp_restore_log
select @mxcount=max(id) from #temp_restore_log

while (@count <=@mxcount)
select @v_filename=isnull(physical_device_name,'') from #temp_restore_log where id=@count and file_exists='1'

if exists(select top 1 1 from #temp_restore_log where id=@count and file_exists='1')

print 'EXEC xp_cmdshell ''del '+@v_filename+''';'

exec('xp_cmdshell ''del '+@v_filename+'''')


---Checking the drive space
exec dbo.Usp_Diskspace_Alert @iFlag=null
    if not exists(select top 1 1 from master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert)
        set @count=@mxcount
        print 'Alert'
    if exists(select top 1 1 from master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert)
        update #temp_restore_log
        set file_exists=0
        where Drive not in (select drive from master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert)


set @count=@count+1
set @v_filename=''

----end delete


IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp_restore_log') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp_restore_log 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp_flexist') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp_flexist 
IF OBJECT_ID('master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveAlert 
IF OBJECT_ID('master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveSpace') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE master.dbo.SrvFinalDriveSpace 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp_restore_file') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp_restore_file


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