It's a random word generator. Just pass a number of words to generate and laugh.
It's a random word generator. Just pass a number of words to generate and laugh.
create proc RndWord @i int as begin declare @j int, @w int,@flip int,@c varchar(16),@vowels char(6),@cons char(20) select @i=0, @j=0,@flip =0,@c='',@vowels='aeiouy',@cons='bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz'; while @i<10 begin set @w=round(rand()*16,0) while @j<=@w begin set @c =case @flip when 0 then @c+case @j when 0 then upper(substring(@cons,cast(round(rand()*19,0) as int)+1,1)) else substring(@cons,cast(round(rand()*19,0) as int)+1,1) end when 1 then @c+case @j when 0 then upper(substring(@vowels,cast(round(rand()*5,0) as int)+1,1)) else substring(@vowels,cast(round(rand()*5,0) as int)+1,1) end end; set @j=@j+1; set @flip=(@flip+1)%2; end print @c; set @c=''; set @j=0 set @i=@i+1; end return end go exec RndWord 10