select dbo.IsAlphaNumeric('ABC 123') --returns 1
select dbo.IsAlphaNumeric('ABC*123') --returns 0
select dbo.IsAlphaNumeric('ABC 123') --returns 1
select dbo.IsAlphaNumeric('ABC*123') --returns 0
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.IsAlphaNumeric (@input varchar(100)) RETURNS bit AS BEGIN declare @i int, @max int, @c varchar(1), @asc int declare @isAN bit set @max = LEN(@input) set @isAN= 1 set @i = 0 while @i < @max begin set @i = @i + 1 set @c = SUBSTRING(@input,@i,1) set @asc = ascii(@c) set @isAN = case when @asc between 48 and 57 then 1 -- 0 9 when @asc between 65 and 90 then 1 -- A Z when @asc between 97 and 122 then 1 -- a z when @asc = 32 then 1 --space else 0 end if @isAN = 0 begin return @isAN --not alpha end end return @isAN -- is alpha END