This script is used to find tables without primary key, clustered index and no index in an instance.
Copy the script and paste into query analyer. The output will be DatabaseName, TableName and Missing Index.
This script is used to find tables without primary key, clustered index and no index in an instance.
Copy the script and paste into query analyer. The output will be DatabaseName, TableName and Missing Index.
declare @dbname varchar(100) declare @sqlstring varchar(3000) select @dbname = max(name) from master.dbo.sysdatabases where dbid > 4 Create table #id (DatabaseName varchar(100), TableName varchar(100), WhatIsMissing varchar(100)) while @dbname is not null begin set @sqlstring = 'use '+ @dbname + ' insert into #id select ' + char(39) + @dbname +char(39)+ ', o.Table_Name, ''No primary key'' FROM (select name as Table_Name from sysobjects where xtype = ''U'') o LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT Table_Name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS where CONSTRAINT_TYPE = ''PRIMARY KEY'') pk on pk.Table_Name = o.Table_Name WHERE pk.Table_Name is null and o.Table_Name not like ''zz%''' exec(@sqlstring) set @sqlstring = ' insert into #id select ' + char(39) + @dbname +char(39)+ ',, ''No clustered index'' from sysobjects o left outer join (select distinct object_name(id) as TableName from sysindexes where indid = 1) t on t.TableName = where o.xtype = ''u'' and t.TableName is null' exec(@sqlstring) set @sqlstring = ' insert into #id select ' + char(39) + @dbname +char(39)+ ', name, ''No index'' from sysobjects where xtype = ''u'' and id not in (select id from sysindexes where name not like ''_WA%'' and indid > 0)' exec(@sqlstring) select @dbname = max(name) from master.dbo.sysdatabases where dbid > 4 and name < @dbname end select * from #id drop table #id