Get the list of the tables on the server which dont have the clustered index.
"Surely this one will get a clustered index scan."
In which SQL Server stubbornly insists on doing key lookups way, way past the tipping point.
2,905 reads
Get the list of the tables on the server which dont have the clustered index.
--Verify if any table dnt have the cluster key DECLARE @tbl TABLE ( ID INT IDENTITY(1,1), DBName NVARCHAR(100), TableName NVARCHAR(100) ) DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @SQL = ' SELECT ''?'',ts.Name FROM ?.sys.tables ts LEFT JOIN ?.sys.indexes si ON ts.object_id = si.object_id AND si.type = 1 INNER JOIN ?. sys.databases d ON d.Name=''?'' AND NOT IN ( ''tempdb'',''master'',''msdb'',''ReportServer'') WHERE si.index_id IS NULL ' INSERT INTO @tbl EXECUTE sp_MSforeachdb @SQL select * from @tbl