Technical Article

Get default values of parameters in stored procedures




Helps to get the default value of parameters from stored procedures and functions. We can use the function with sys.parameters dmv as;

Select a.[name],b.[name] ,dbo.fnGetParameterDefaultValue('[dbo].[YourSPName]',a.[name],b.[name],0) as defaultVal
from sys.parameters a
inner join sys.types b on b.system_type_id = a.system_type_id
where Object_id = object_id('[dbo].[YourSPName]')

-- =============================================
-- Author:        Atif
-- Create date: 24-May-2010
-- Description:    Get Default Value of a Parameter of SP or Function
-- =============================================
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fnGetParameterDefaultValue]
    @pSPName varchar(1000)='',
    @pParameterName varchar(100),
    @pDataType varchar(100),
    @pType bit=0 --0 for Stored Procedure and 1 for Function
RETURNS varchar(1000)
    Declare @pOutPut varchar(1000)
    Declare @vStartPosition int
    Declare @vStartPosition2 int    
    Declare @vStartPosition3 int
    Declare @vStartPosition4 int
    Declare @vStartPosition5 int
    Declare @vSPText varchar(max)
    Declare @vSPText2 varchar(max)

    -- Get the text fro syscomments (first 4000 characters if length of SP is > 4000)
    if @pType = 0
        SELECT @vSPtext = (SELECT text FROM syscomments
         WHERE id = object_id(@pSPName) and colid=1 and number = 1)

        Set @vSPtext = SubString(@vSPtext,CharIndex('CREATE PROCEDURE',@vSPtext),4000)
        SELECT @vSPtext = (SELECT text FROM syscomments
         WHERE id = object_id(@pSPName) and colid=1 and number = 0)

        Set @vSPtext = SubString(@vSPtext,CharIndex('CREATE FUNCTION',@vSPtext),4000)

    if IsNull(@vSPtext,'') = ''
        -- Exit if SP Name Not found in syscomments....
        Select @pOutPut = ''
        RETURN @pOutPut

    Set @pOutPut = ''

    While 1=1
        -- Get the position of the parameter definition. 
        Select @vStartPosition = PatIndex('%' + @pParameterName + '%',@vSPText)
        -- Check if parameter exists
        if @vStartPosition > 0
            -- Get the Definition String
            select @vSPText = RIGHT ( @vSPText, DataLength(@vSPText)-(@vStartPosition -1))

            -- Get the string breaker
            if (CharIndex(',',@vSPText) > 0) or (CharIndex('-',@vSPText) > 0) 
                or (CharIndex(Char(10),@vSPText) > 0) or (CharIndex('AS',@vSPText) > 0)
                Set @vStartPosition = CharIndex(',',@vSPText,Len(@pParameterName))-1
                Set @vStartPosition2 = CharIndex('-',@vSPText,Len(@pParameterName))-1
                Set @vStartPosition3 = CharIndex(Char(10),@vSPText,Len(@pParameterName))-1
                Set @vStartPosition4 = CharIndex('AS',@vSPText,Len(@pParameterName))-1
                Set @vStartPosition5 = CharIndex('OUT',@vSPText,Len(@pParameterName)) -1

                if @vStartPosition <= (Len(@pParameterName) + Len(@pDataType) + case when CharIndex('AS',@vSPText) between CharIndex(@pParameterName,@vSPText) And CharIndex(@pDataType,@vSPText) then 2 else 0 end)
                    Set @vStartPosition = 10000000

                if @vStartPosition2 <= (Len(@pParameterName) + Len(@pDataType) + case when CharIndex('AS',@vSPText) between CharIndex(@pParameterName,@vSPText) And CharIndex(@pDataType,@vSPText) then 2 else 0 end)
                    Set @vStartPosition2 = 10000000

                if @vStartPosition3 <= (Len(@pParameterName) + Len(@pDataType) + case when CharIndex('AS',@vSPText) between CharIndex(@pParameterName,@vSPText) And CharIndex(@pDataType,@vSPText) then 2 else 0 end)
                    Set @vStartPosition3 = 10000000

                if @vStartPosition4 <= (Len(@pParameterName) + Len(@pDataType) + case when CharIndex('AS',@vSPText) between CharIndex(@pParameterName,@vSPText) And CharIndex(@pDataType,@vSPText) then 2 else 0 end)
                    Set @vStartPosition4 = 10000000

                if @vStartPosition5 <= (Len(@pParameterName) + Len(@pDataType) + case when CharIndex('AS',@vSPText) between CharIndex(@pParameterName,@vSPText) And CharIndex(@pDataType,@vSPText) then 2 else 0 end)
                    Set @vStartPosition5 = 10000000

                Select Top 1 @vStartPosition = [value]
                from dbo.fnSplit(Cast(@vStartPosition as varchar(10)) + ',' + Cast(@vStartPosition2 as varchar(10)) 
                                + ',' + Cast(@vStartPosition3 as varchar(10)) 
                                + ',' + Cast(@vStartPosition4 as varchar(10)) 
                                + ',' + Cast(@vStartPosition5 as varchar(10)) ,',')    
                order by Cast([value] as int)
                -- SP text must atleast have AS to break the parameter definition string
                Set @vStartPosition = CharIndex('AS',@vSPText) - 1

            -- Get the specific Definition String
            Set @vSPText2 = Left(@vSPText,@vStartPosition)

            -- Check if you got the right one by data type...            
            if CharIndex(@pDataType,@vSPText2) > 0
                --Select 'IN'
                --Select @text2
                if CharIndex('=',@vSPText2) > 0 
                    -- check the default value
                    Select @pOutPut = Right(@vSPText2,DataLength(@vSPText2) - CharIndex('=',@vSPText2))
                    -- We have default value assigned here

                    if Right(@pOutPut,1) = ','
                        Set @pOutPut = Left(@pOutPut,DataLength(@pOutPut)-1)
                    --Set @pOutPut = 'No Default Value Defined...'
                    -- We DO NOT have default value assigned here
                    Set @pOutPut = ''
                --No need to work further with this parameter
                --Set @vSPText = SubString(@vSPText,@vStartPosition + Len(@vSPText2),4000)
                -- Cut the SP text short and loop again
                Set @vSPText = SubString(@vSPText,@vStartPosition,4000)
            -- This should never be the case. Just a check....
            if Datalength(@vSPText) < Datalength(@pParameterName)
            --Set @pOutPut = 'Parameter Not Found...'
            -- Wrong parameter search...
            Set @pOutPut = ''
    Select @pOutPut = rtrim(ltrim(@pOutPut))
    RETURN @pOutPut


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