Let me know if you find that it breaks with anything....(I know it won't be correct if you specify an invalid @Itr, just want to know if the math doesn't work for any dates checked)
1,084 reads
Let me know if you find that it breaks with anything....(I know it won't be correct if you specify an invalid @Itr, just want to know if the math doesn't work for any dates checked)
CREATE FUNCTION GetDateForDOW ( --DECLARE @YearSMALLINT= 2018 , @MonthTINYINT= 11 -- 1-12 , @DOW TINYINT= 4 -- Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, ect... , @ItrTINYINT= 4 -- iteration of specified DOW ) RETURNS DATE AS BEGIN DECLARE@1stDATE = CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),@Month)+'/1/' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(4),@Year); DECLARE@RtrnDtDATE = DATEADD(DAY,((CEILING((CONVERT(DECIMAL(8, 2),17) % DATEPART(dw, @1st)) / 10) * 7) + (@DOW+((@Itr-2)*7))+1) - DATEPART(dw, @1st), @1st); --SELECT @RtrnDt RETURN@RtrnDt; END GO