Technical Article

Generate Strong Passwords for Standard SQL Logins


This script will generate random Strong Passwords for all Standard SQL Logins for a specified SQL Server.  It currently does ALL standard logins, including SA, so you would want to add to the WHERE clause in the SELECT_LOGINS constant if you want to limit the logins.  The password generated will be 10 - 15 characters in length.  You can edit the GenPasswd function in the script to customize the generated password to fit your requirements.
Just save the entire script to a file with a .VBS extension.
Execute the script with a /? argument to see usage information.

' AUTHOR: Steve Harrell
' DATE  : 3/25/2002
' COMMENT: This code provided as is, no warranty is implied or provided.
'          Bear in mind that this script will change the passwords of all
'          Standard SQL Logins (including SA!) AND write the new password
'          to the log file for to enable the DBA to disseminate them to
'          the appropriate users.
'          USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
'3/25/2002sharrellBeta Release

Option Explicit

'On error resume next

' Global Variables 
Dim WSHShell, WSHNetwork, WSHFile
Dim ComputerName     ' This is local computer name
Dim sPassword
Dim SQLServerName   ' SQL Server name can be named instance.
Dim InstanceName    ' Instance name. Eg. i1 if SQLServeName is mysql\i1
Dim sConnectionString ' Connection string of the SQL Server
Dim oLogFile' Log file object
Dim sOutputFileName' Log filename with passwords
Const SELECT_LOGINS = "SELECT Name FROM Syslogins WHERE isntname=0 Order by Name"

' Create Global Objects
Set WSHNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("")
Set WSHFile = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If err.Number <> 0 then 
Wscript.Echo "Error occurred: (" & Err.Number & ") " & Err.Description
Wscript.Quit Err.number 
End If
' create log file
sOutputFileName= "changepassword.log"
Set oLogFile = WSHFile.CreateTextFile(sOutputFileName)

WScript.Quit 0

' *********************************************************
' Function:LogMessage
' Purpose:Writes message to the log
' Input:sMessage - the message
' Output:None
' *********************************************************

Sub LogMessage(sMessage)
End sub

'Sub: SetPasswd()
'This sub will set passwords for standard logins
Sub SetPasswd()
    ON Error Resume Next
    Dim strSQL
    Dim oConnection
    Dim oRS
    Dim sLogin

    ' Set cscript if not set. 

    set oConnection = Wscript.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    oConnection.ConnectionString = sConnectionString
    If err.Number <> 0 Then err.Clear
    If err.Number <> 0 then
    End If

    Set oRS = oConnection.Execute(SELECT_LOGINS)
    If err.Number <> 0 then
    End If

    Do While Not oRS.EOF
sLogin = UCase(oRS.Fields(0).Value)
sPassword = ""
    ' Call GenPasswd() function to generate a random password
    sPassword = GenPasswd
strSQL = "exec sp_password NULL, [" & sPassword & "], '" & sLogin & "'"

' Execute sp_password to set the password
oConnection.Execute strSQL, , 128      ' adExecuteNoRecords

LogMessage(sLogin & Chr(9) & sPassword)


    Set oRS = Nothing
    Set oConnection = Nothing
End Sub

Sub PreSetup()

' Obtain Environment values
ComputerName = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMPUTERNAME%")

' Default setting if not specified
sPassword = ""
SQLServerName = ComputerName 

End Sub

'Func: Config_Preconfig()
Function Config_Preconfig()

Dim arg, temp

on error resume next
Set Wshshell = Wscript.CreateObject("")
'Sets up Vbscript to always run in command window ######
If instr(1, wscript.fullname, "cscript.exe", 1) = 0 then
if err.number <> 0 then err.clear
temp = wshshell.Run("cmd /c ""cscript //h:cscript //nologo //s 1>nul 2>nul""", 0, true)
temp = MsgBox ("The script has changed the default output of Windows Scripting Host to the command prompt." & vbCrLf & "This pop up is normal, just re-run the script!", 0, "WSH default changed to cscript.")
config_preconfig = 1
wscript.quit 1
exit function
end if

config_preconfig = 0

End Function 'Set Script Host

' Function GenRan(lowerbound, upperbound)
' Description:  Generate a random number between lowerbound and upperbound
'       Reseed everytime calling this function.
' Return:   a random integer
Function GenRan(lowerbound, upperbound)
    GenRan = Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound)
End Function

' Function GenPasswd()
' Description:  Generate a random password between the password
'       length 10 and 15
' Return:   a random password string
Function GenPasswd()
    Dim passwdLen
    Dim i, r
    Dim strPasswd

    wscript.echo "Generating a random and strong password..."
    strPasswd = ""

    passwdLen = GenRan(10, 15)

    For i = 1 To passwdLen
        r = GenRan(33, 126)
        strPasswd = strPasswd & Chr(r)
    ' SA password cannot include "[" or "]"
    strPasswd = Replace(strPasswd, "[", "$")
    strPasswd = Replace(strPasswd, "]", "?")
    GenPasswd = strPasswd
End Function

'Sub ParseArgs()
Sub ParseArgs()
Dim oArgs

On Error Resume Next

Set oArgs = Wscript.Arguments
If oArgs.count > 0 Then
If oArgs(0) = "/?" or oArgs(0) = "-?" then
WScript.Quit 1
SQLServerName = oArgs(0)
End If
End If

' Setup connection string
sConnectionString = "driver={SQL Server};server=" & SQLServerName & ";TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;database=master"
End Sub

'Function IsValidArg()
Function IsValidArg(str)
Dim s 

s = Left(str, 1)
If s = " " or s = "/" or s = "-"  or s = "" then
   IsValidArg = False
   IsValidArg = True
        End If
End Function

'Sub: ShowUsage()
Sub ShowUsage()
  On Error Resume Next
  Dim begdate
  Dim begtime
  Dim sHeader
  Dim strScriptName

  begtime = Time
  begdate = Date

  sHeader = vbCrLf & _
    "          _______________________________________________" & vbCrLf & _
    "         |                                               |" & vbCrLf & _
    "         |                                               |" & vbCrLf & _
    "         |     SQL Server Strong Password Script         |" & vbCrLf & _
    "         |                                               |" & vbCrLf & _
    "         |_______________________________________________|"

  sHeader = sHeader + vbCrLf + "         \\" & computername & " - " & begdate & " " & begtime
  strScriptName = Replace(Wscript.scriptname, ".vbs", "")

WScript.Echo sHeader & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
WScript.Echo "  Name: " & strScriptName
Wscript.Echo "  Usage: " & strScriptName & " [SQLServerName][\InstanceName]"
        Wscript.Echo "  Description: " & strScriptName & " is used to " & _
              "change the Password of Standard Logins" 
Wscript.Echo "               to a random strong Password."
Wscript.Echo vbCrLf + "Example: " & strScriptName & " myserve"
   Wscript.Echo vbCrLf + "Example: " & strScriptName & " myserve\VSdotNET"
   Wscript.Echo vbCrLf + "Example: " & strScriptName
   Wscript.Echo vbCrLf + "Example: " & strScriptName & " /?"
Wscript.Echo vbCrLf + "Note: If you don't specify a SQL Server Name" 
Wscript.Echo "      the local machine name will be assumed."
Wscript.Echo "      In that case, only the default instance of"
Wscript.Echo "      SQL Server will have the Passwords set."
Wscript.Echo vbCrLf + "      You must be a member of the SysAdmin"
Wscript.Echo "      Server Role to run this script."

Wscript.Echo vbCrLf + "Done"
wscript.quit 1
end sub


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