I wanted to be able to compare the table data in two databases where I was not able to transfer the data or install a program (such as Red-Gate's SQL Data Compare) but I could use a script. What I found was that there is a stored procedure called sp_table_validation. It is used primarily for handling replication, however, if I can see it I can call it, right? It generates, and compares, row counts and a checksum for a given table.
This particular script goes through all the tables in your current database, and generates the row count/checksum values, and also the call to the stored procedure with them for each table.
The stored procedure is a bit noisy, so I outputted an open comment block before calling it and a closed one when it was completed. This allows you to merely copy the output window and not worry about skipping lines or where to start.
Since I use the SELECT statement to create the script lines, I had to go into TOOLS|OPTIONS|Results in Query Analyzer and change the "Maximum characters per column" to something larger than 256 so I chose 8000.
I ran it on my pubs database. If you would like to compare your pubs database to mine, this is my output, simply USE PUBS and run this:
Generated expected rowcount value of 23 and expected checksum value of -1159171265 for authors.
Generated expected rowcount value of 3 and expected checksum value of 1503689915 for discounts.
Generated expected rowcount value of 43 and expected checksum value of 13472254297 for employee.
Generated expected rowcount value of 14 and expected checksum value of 7349668186 for jobs.
Generated expected rowcount value of 8 and expected checksum value of 1759418 for pub_info.
Generated expected rowcount value of 8 and expected checksum value of -2785219968 for publishers.
Generated expected rowcount value of 86 and expected checksum value of 45716150049 for roysched.
Generated expected rowcount value of 21 and expected checksum value of 16219561870 for sales.
Generated expected rowcount value of 6 and expected checksum value of -2906267733 for stores.
Generated expected rowcount value of 25 and expected checksum value of -21811576433 for titleauthor.
Generated expected rowcount value of 18 and expected checksum value of 9370480104 for titles.
-----------------BEGIN SCRIPT---------------
DECLARE @expected_rowcount bigint
DECLARE @expected_checksum numeric
DECLARE @actual_rowcount bigint
DECLARE @actual_checksum numeric
DECLARE @colList varchar(8000)
DECLARE @comma varchar(1)
DECLARE @RetVal int
SET @RetVal = 0
SET @actual_rowcount = NULL
SET @actual_checksum = NULL
SET @expected_rowcount = NULL
SET @expected_checksum = NULL
CREATE TABLE #tempMismatches
Table_Name sysname
,ExpectedRows bigint
,ActualRows bigint
,ExpectedChecksum numeric
,ActualChecksum numeric
PRINT 'Table = [authors]'
SET @expected_rowcount = 23
SET @expected_checksum = -1159171265
SET @actual_rowcount = NULL
SET @actual_checksum = NULL
EXEC @RetVal = sp_table_validation [authors],@actual_rowcount OUTPUT,@actual_checksum OUTPUT,2,NULL,0,@column_list = '[au_id],[au_lname],[au_fname],[phone],[address],[city],[state],[zip],[contract]'
IF @expected_rowcount <> @actual_rowcount OR @expected_checksum <> @actual_checksum
INSERT INTO #tempMismatches
SELECT '[authors]', @expected_rowcount, @actual_rowcount, @expected_checksum, @actual_checksum
PRINT 'Table = [discounts]'
SET @expected_rowcount = 3
SET @expected_checksum = 1503689915
SET @actual_rowcount = NULL
SET @actual_checksum = NULL
EXEC @RetVal = sp_table_validation [discounts],@actual_rowcount OUTPUT,@actual_checksum OUTPUT,2,NULL,0,@column_list = '[discounttype],[stor_id],[lowqty],[highqty],[discount]'
IF @expected_rowcount <> @actual_rowcount OR @expected_checksum <> @actual_checksum
INSERT INTO #tempMismatches
SELECT '[discounts]', @expected_rowcount, @actual_rowcount, @expected_checksum, @actual_checksum
PRINT 'Table = [employee]'
SET @expected_rowcount = 43
SET @expected_checksum = 13472254297
SET @actual_rowcount = NULL
SET @actual_checksum = NULL
EXEC @RetVal = sp_table_validation [employee],@actual_rowcount OUTPUT,@actual_checksum OUTPUT,2,NULL,0,@column_list = '[emp_id],[fname],[minit],[lname],[job_id],[job_lvl],[pub_id],[hire_date]'
IF @expected_rowcount <> @actual_rowcount OR @expected_checksum <> @actual_checksum
INSERT INTO #tempMismatches
SELECT '[employee]', @expected_rowcount, @actual_rowcount, @expected_checksum, @actual_checksum
PRINT 'Table = [jobs]'
SET @expected_rowcount = 14
SET @expected_checksum = 7349668186
SET @actual_rowcount = NULL
SET @actual_checksum = NULL
EXEC @RetVal = sp_table_validation [jobs],@actual_rowcount OUTPUT,@actual_checksum OUTPUT,2,NULL,0,@column_list = '[job_id],[job_desc],[min_lvl],[max_lvl]'
IF @expected_rowcount <> @actual_rowcount OR @expected_checksum <> @actual_checksum
INSERT INTO #tempMismatches
SELECT '[jobs]', @expected_rowcount, @actual_rowcount, @expected_checksum, @actual_checksum
PRINT 'Table = [pub_info]'
SET @expected_rowcount = 8
SET @expected_checksum = 1759418
SET @actual_rowcount = NULL
SET @actual_checksum = NULL
EXEC @RetVal = sp_table_validation [pub_info],@actual_rowcount OUTPUT,@actual_checksum OUTPUT,2,NULL,0,@column_list = '[pub_id],[logo],[pr_info]'
IF @expected_rowcount <> @actual_rowcount OR @expected_checksum <> @actual_checksum
INSERT INTO #tempMismatches
SELECT '[pub_info]', @expected_rowcount, @actual_rowcount, @expected_checksum, @actual_checksum
PRINT 'Table = [publishers]'
SET @expected_rowcount = 8
SET @expected_checksum = -2785219968
SET @actual_rowcount = NULL
SET @actual_checksum = NULL
EXEC @RetVal = sp_table_validation [publishers],@actual_rowcount OUTPUT,@actual_checksum OUTPUT,2,NULL,0,@column_list = '[pub_id],[pub_name],[city],[state],[country]'
IF @expected_rowcount <> @actual_rowcount OR @expected_checksum <> @actual_checksum
INSERT INTO #tempMismatches
SELECT '[publishers]', @expected_rowcount, @actual_rowcount, @expected_checksum, @actual_checksum
PRINT 'Table = [roysched]'
SET @expected_rowcount = 86
SET @expected_checksum = 45716150049
SET @actual_rowcount = NULL
SET @actual_checksum = NULL
EXEC @RetVal = sp_table_validation [roysched],@actual_rowcount OUTPUT,@actual_checksum OUTPUT,2,NULL,0,@column_list = '[title_id],[lorange],[hirange],[royalty]'
IF @expected_rowcount <> @actual_rowcount OR @expected_checksum <> @actual_checksum
INSERT INTO #tempMismatches
SELECT '[roysched]', @expected_rowcount, @actual_rowcount, @expected_checksum, @actual_checksum
PRINT 'Table = [sales]'
SET @expected_rowcount = 21
SET @expected_checksum = 16219561870
SET @actual_rowcount = NULL
SET @actual_checksum = NULL
EXEC @RetVal = sp_table_validation [sales],@actual_rowcount OUTPUT,@actual_checksum OUTPUT,2,NULL,0,@column_list = '[stor_id],[ord_num],[ord_date],[qty],[payterms],[title_id]'
IF @expected_rowcount <> @actual_rowcount OR @expected_checksum <> @actual_checksum
INSERT INTO #tempMismatches
SELECT '[sales]', @expected_rowcount, @actual_rowcount, @expected_checksum, @actual_checksum
PRINT 'Table = [stores]'
SET @expected_rowcount = 6
SET @expected_checksum = -2906267733
SET @actual_rowcount = NULL
SET @actual_checksum = NULL
EXEC @RetVal = sp_table_validation [stores],@actual_rowcount OUTPUT,@actual_checksum OUTPUT,2,NULL,0,@column_list = '[stor_id],[stor_name],[stor_address],[city],[state],[zip]'
IF @expected_rowcount <> @actual_rowcount OR @expected_checksum <> @actual_checksum
INSERT INTO #tempMismatches
SELECT '[stores]', @expected_rowcount, @actual_rowcount, @expected_checksum, @actual_checksum
PRINT 'Table = [titleauthor]'
SET @expected_rowcount = 25
SET @expected_checksum = -21811576433
SET @actual_rowcount = NULL
SET @actual_checksum = NULL
EXEC @RetVal = sp_table_validation [titleauthor],@actual_rowcount OUTPUT,@actual_checksum OUTPUT,2,NULL,0,@column_list = '[au_id],[title_id],[au_ord],[royaltyper]'
IF @expected_rowcount <> @actual_rowcount OR @expected_checksum <> @actual_checksum
INSERT INTO #tempMismatches
SELECT '[titleauthor]', @expected_rowcount, @actual_rowcount, @expected_checksum, @actual_checksum
PRINT 'Table = [titles]'
SET @expected_rowcount = 18
SET @expected_checksum = 9370480104
SET @actual_rowcount = NULL
SET @actual_checksum = NULL
EXEC @RetVal = sp_table_validation [titles],@actual_rowcount OUTPUT,@actual_checksum OUTPUT,2,NULL,0,@column_list = '[title_id],[title],[type],[pub_id],[price],[advance],[royalty],[ytd_sales],[notes],[pubdate]'
IF @expected_rowcount <> @actual_rowcount OR @expected_checksum <> @actual_checksum
INSERT INTO #tempMismatches
SELECT '[titles]', @expected_rowcount, @actual_rowcount, @expected_checksum, @actual_checksum
SELECT * FROM #tempMismatches
DROP TABLE #tempMismatches