Technical Article

Function to determine business hours


This function takes two dates and returns the number of business hours between the two dates. The function does not support holidays at this time, but the script could be modified to query a holiday table to exclude those holidays.

CREATE function dbo.GetBusinessHours
/*******************************************************//* Written by:J.D. Gonzalez to include busines hours *//* Purpose:  Provide the number of business hours      *//* between two dates.  Business days      *//*are classified as Monday - Friday      *//*******************************************************/(
     @StartDate datetime,
     @EndDate datetime
returns decimal(9,2)
/*Variable declaration */  declare @HoursBetween decimal(9,2) /* calculated number of hours between startdate and enddate */  declare @minutesBetween decimal(9,2) /* number of minutes between startdate and enddate */  declare @BusinessHours decimal(9,2) /* calculated number of business hours */  declare @Cnt int /* temp counter used to add the hour to the startdate */  declare @EvalDate datetime /* temp date used in evaluation */  declare @strip as decimal(9,2) /* strips out decimal from @hours between */
  select @HoursBetween = 0 /* set @hoursbetween to zero */  select @BusinessHours = 0 /* set @businessHours to zero */  select @Cnt=0 /* set the counter to zero */
  select @minutesBetween = datediff(mi,@StartDate,@endDate) /* determine number of minutes between start and end dates */  select @HoursBetween = @minutesBetween/60 /* change to hours */  select @strip = right(@hoursBetween,3) /* strip out decimal from @hoursbetween */
/* Program logic */   while @Cnt < @HoursBetween /*cycle through the entire interval of hours */     begin
          select @EvalDate = dateadd(hh,@cnt,@StartDate) /* getdate to evaluate *//* add one hour if the does not fall on a Saturday or Sunday */                if (((datepart(dw,@EvalDate) <> 1) and (datepart(dw,@EvalDate) <> 7)) and
(datepart(hh,@EvalDate) not in (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,12,17,18,19,20,21,22,23)))
/*Indicates what times not to count -- 00:00am to 7:59am, noon, 05:00pm to 11:59pm*/                    BEGIN
                         select @BusinessHours = @BusinessHours + 1
          select @Cnt = @Cnt + 1 /* Increment counter */    end
 select @BusinessHours = @BusinessHours + @strip /* add decimal portion back to @hours */ return @BusinessHours /* return value back to calling statement */end


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