For this function to work you need to enable
- OLE Automation
- xp_cmdshell
in the SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration.
Also the sql server service account needs the permission to access the concerning file.
For this function to work you need to enable
- OLE Automation
- xp_cmdshell
in the SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration.
Also the sql server service account needs the permission to access the concerning file.
-- ============================================= -- Author:Karl Klingler -- Create date: 20100507 -- Description:Based on the code from Phil Factor -- found on -- i had to eliminate the error reporting because that will not work in functions -- ============================================= CREATE FUNCTION fn_getfiledetails ( @Filename sysname ) /* Example: select [DateLastModified] from fn_getfiledetails('c:\autoexec.bat') */RETURNS @filedetails TABLE ( [Path] VARCHAR(100), [ShortPath] VARCHAR(100), [Type] VARCHAR(100), [DateCreated] datetime, [DateLastAccessed] datetime, [DateLastModified] datetime, [Attributes] INT, [size] INT ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @hr INT,-- the HRESULT returned from the FileSystem object @objFileSystem INT,-- @objFile INT,-- the File object @Path VARCHAR(100),-- @ShortPath VARCHAR(100), @Type VARCHAR(100), @DateCreated datetime, @DateLastAccessed datetime, @DateLastModified datetime, @Attributes INT, @size INT EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @objFileSystem OUT IF @hr=0 EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @objFileSystem, 'GetFile', @objFile out,@Filename IF @hr=0 EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @objFile, 'Path', @path OUT IF @hr=0 EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @objFile, 'ShortPath', @ShortPath OUT IF @hr=0 EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @objFile, 'Type', @Type OUT IF @hr=0 EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @objFile, 'DateCreated', @DateCreated OUT IF @hr=0 EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @objFile, 'DateLastAccessed', @DateLastAccessed OUT IF @hr=0 EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @objFile, 'DateLastModified', @DateLastModified OUT IF @hr=0 EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @objFile, 'Attributes', @Attributes OUT IF @hr=0 EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @objFile, 'size', @size OUT EXEC sp_OADestroy @objFileSystem EXEC sp_OADestroy @objFile INSERT @filedetails SELECT [Path]= @Path, [ShortPath]= @ShortPath, [Type]= @Type, [DateCreated]= @DateCreated , [DateLastAccessed]= @DateLastAccessed, [DateLastModified]= @DateLastModified, [Attributes]= @Attributes, [size]= @size RETURN END