Fiscal/Retail 4-5-4 Calendar Function
This function returns a 3 year calendar based on a 4-5-4/5-4-4/4-4-5 calendar, also known as a 52/53 week calendar. The basis of this calendar function was derived from the NRF retail calendar published at and the Wikipedia article published at
The calendar function requires 2 helper functions. The helper functions were derived from the documentation provided at
CREATE Function dbo.fnGetJDNfromYMD (
@inputYear int
, @inputMonth int
, @inputDay int
Returns Table With schemabinding
/* ===========================================================================================
Author: Jeff Williams
Created: 02/06/2020
Description: Returns the Julian Day Number (jdn) from the input year, month and day
Called From:
Procedures, functions and queries
Example Calls:
Select * From dbo.fnGetJDNfromYMD(1582, 1, 1);
Select * From dbo.fnGetJDNfromYMD(1753, 1, 1);
Select * From dbo.fnGetJDNfromYMD(1900, 1, 1);
Revision History
Date Edited By Change
---------- --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
02/20/2020 Jeff Williams Created
=========================================================================================== */
Select jdn
From (Values (@inputYear, @inputMonth, @inputDay)) As v(y, m, d)
Cross Apply (Values ((1461 * (y + 4800 + (m - 14) / 12 )) / 4
+ (367 * (m - 2 - 12 * ((m - 14) / 12))) / 12
- (3 * ((y + 4900 + (m - 14) / 12) / 100)) / 4 + d - 32075)) As j(jdn);
CREATE Function dbo.fnGetDateFromJDN (
@julianDayNumber int
Returns Table With schemabinding
/* ===========================================================================================
Author: Jeff Williams
Created: 02/06/2020
Description: Returns the date for the given Julian Day Number
The following columns are returned:
y year
m month
d day
OutputDate date in the 'date' data type
OutputDateTime date in the 'datetime' data type
OutputDateTime2 date in the 'datetime2' data type
Note: this function is only valid for dates following 1753-01-01 when using the datetime
data type. For dates prior you cannot reference the datetime data type from the
calling query.
Called From:
Procedures, functions and queries
Example Calls:
Select * From dbo.fnGetDateFromJDN(2361331);
Select * From dbo.fnGetDateFromJDN(2415021);
Select y, m, d, OutputDate, OutputDateTime2 From dbo.fnGetDateFromJDN(2298874);
Revision History
Date Edited By Change
---------- --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
02/20/2020 Jeff Williams Created
=========================================================================================== */
Select y
, m
, d
, OutputDate = datefromparts(y, m, d)
, OutputDateTime = datetimefromparts(y, m, d, 0, 0, 0, 0)
, OutputDateTime2 = datetime2fromparts(y, m, d, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7)
From (Values (@julianDayNumber)) As e1(jdn)
Cross Apply (Values (jdn + 1401 + ((4 * jdn + 274277) / 146097) * 3 / 4 - 38)) As e2(f)
Cross Apply (Values (5 * (((4 * f + 3) % 1461) / 4) + 2)) As e3(h)
Cross Apply (Values ((h % 153) / 5 + 1, (h / 153 + 2) % 12 + 1)) As e4(d, m)
Cross Apply (Values (((4 * f + 3) / 1461) - 4716 + (14 - m) / 12)) As e5(y);
CREATE Function [dbo].[fnFiscalCalendar] (
@startYear int
, @restated int = 0
Returns Table With schemabinding
/* ===========================================================================================
Author: Jeff Williams
Created: 02/06/2020
Description: Returns the Fiscal Calendar for the specified 3 year time period beginning
at @startYear. We only return 3 years as that is consistent with how the
fiscal calendar is published by NRF.
The following columns are returned:
DimDateID calculated YYYYMMDD integer date
Restated flag indicating whether or not the calendar has been restated
FiscalDate date using the 'datetime' data type
OrdinalDay day number of the year
USDayInWeek 0 = Sunday, ..., 6 = Saturday
ISODayInWeek 1 = Monday, ..., 7 = Sunday
FiscalWeek the fiscal week number for the year (1 - 52/53)
FiscalDayInWeek 1 through 7 based on the fiscal start/end days
FiscalQuarter the 13 (14 for 53 week years) week quarter
FiscalWeekInQuarter the week number for the period (Quarter)
FiscalMonth454 fiscal month based on 4-5-4 calendar
1 = first 4 weeks, 2 = next 5 weeks, 3 = final 4 weeks
FiscalWeekInMonth454 the week number in each month on the 4-5-4 calendar
FiscalMonth544 fiscal month based on 5-4-4 calendar
1 = first 5 weeks, 2 = next 4 weeks, 3 = final 4 weeks
FiscalWeekInMonth544 the week number in each month on the 5-4-4 calendar
FiscalMonth445 fiscal month based on 4-4-5 calendar
1 = first 4 weeks, 2 = next 4 weeks, 3 = final 5 weeks
FiscalWeekInMonth445 the week number in each month on the 4-4-5 calendar
When the calendar is not-restated, any years with 53 weeks will include the 53rd week
at the end of the last month of the 4th quarter as an additional week in that month.
For the 4-4-5 calendar, the 4-5-4 calendar is used with the 53rd week added as the 5th
week in the last month making it a 4-5-5 quarter.
Note: month here is not a calendar month, it is the number of weeks defined for each
calendar type such that each month will have either 4 or 5 equal weeks all starting
and ending on the same day of the week (Sunday through Saturday).
For the restated calendar - the weeks are shifted by one so that week 2 becomes week 1
and week 53 becomes week 52. This allows like for like comparisons - when comparing
2016->2017 the non-restated calendar would be used and for 2017->2018 the restated
calendar would be used.
This function is based on the NRF 4-5-4 Calendar (
and determines the start/end of the fiscal year as the closest Saturday/Sunday to the
end of January.
Other methods of generating the start/end of the fiscal year can be used. To do so, modify
the fsYears CTE to return the appropriate start/end JDN days. This includes changing
the start/end day in week - for example, you can set the start/end day to Monday through
Sunday and the week, month, quarter values will be calculated correctly for that period.
Example - to calculate the start/end as the last Sunday/Saturday of August:
, fsYears (FiscalYear, FiscalStart, FiscalEnd)
As (
Select @startYear + n
, cy.jdn - ((cy.jdn + 1) % 7)
, ny.jdn - ((ny.jdn + 1) % 7) - 1
From (Values (0), (1), (2)) As y(n)
Cross Apply dbo.fnGetJDNfromYMD(@startYear + n, 8, 31) As cy
Cross Apply dbo.fnGetJDNfromYMD(@startYear + n + 1, 8, 31) As ny
Example - to calculate the start/end as closest Monday/Sunday to the end of June:
, fsYears (FiscalYear, FiscalStart, FiscalEnd)
As (
Select @startYear + n
, cy.jdn + (8 - ((cy.jdn + 1) % 7))
, ny.jdn + (7 - ((ny.jdn + 1) % 7))
From (Values (0), (1), (2)) As y(n)
Cross Apply dbo.fnGetJDNfromYMD(@startYear + n, 6, 27) As cy
Cross Apply dbo.fnGetJDNfromYMD(@startYear + n + 1, 6, 27) As ny
Note: To calculate the 'closest' to the end of a month, we start at 3 days prior to the end of that
month. This assures that the 'day' we are looking for will be no more than 3 days prior or 3
days after the end of the month (7 total days with the 4th day being the end of the month).
Called From:
Procedures, Views, Functions and Queries
Example Calls:
Select * From dbo.fnFiscalCalendar(2016, 0) Where OrdinalDay = 1 Order By FiscalYear;
Select * From dbo.fnFiscalCalendar(2016, 1) Where OrdinalDay = 1 Order By FiscalYear;
Select * From dbo.fnFiscalCalendar(2017, 0) Order By OrdinalDay, FiscalYear;
Select * From dbo.fnFiscalCalendar(2017, 1) Order By OrdinalDay, FiscalYear;
Revision History
Date Edited By Change
---------- --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
02/20/2020 Jeff Williams Created
09/13/2020 Jeff Williams Modified the fsYears CTE to return actual FiscalStart and
FiscalEnd JDN numbers. Modified the jdnDates CTE to account
for actual start/end JDN numbers and modified the iTally to
start at 0 instead of 1.
09/13/2020 Jeff Williams Added FiscalStart and FiscalEnd dates to final query
=========================================================================================== */
With t (n)
As (
Select t.n
From (
Values (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0)
, (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0)) As t(n)
, iTally (Number)
As (
Select Top (371)
checksum(row_number() over(Order By @@spid) - 1)
From t t1, t t2
, fsYears (FiscalYear, FiscalStart, FiscalEnd)
As (
Select @startYear + y.n
, cy.jdn + (7 - ((cy.jdn + 1) % 7))
, ny.jdn + (6 - ((ny.jdn + 1) % 7))
From (Values (0), (1), (2)) As y(n)
Cross Apply dbo.fnGetJDNfromYMD(@startYear + y.n, 1, 28) As cy
Cross Apply dbo.fnGetJDNfromYMD(@startYear + y.n + 1, 1, 28) As ny
, jdnDates
As (
Select yr.FiscalYear
, wk.WeeksInYear
, FiscalStart = yr.FiscalStart + (rc.Restated * 7)
, yr.FiscalEnd
, jd.JulianDayNumber
, OrdinalDay = jd.JulianDayNumber - yr.FiscalStart - (rc.Restated * 7) + 1
, USDayInWeek = (jd.JulianDayNumber + 1) % 7
, ISODayInWeek = (jd.JulianDayNumber % 7) + 1
, fw.FiscalWeek
, FiscalDayInWeek = ((jd.JulianDayNumber - yr.FiscalStart) % 7) + 1
, FiscalQuarter = ((fw.FiscalWeek - 1) / 13) + 1 - (fw.FiscalWeek / 53)
, pd.FiscalWeekInQuarter
, FiscalMonth454 = (pd.FiscalWeekInQuarter / 5) + 1
, FiscalWeekInMonth454 = (pd.FiscalWeekInQuarter % 5) + cast(pd.FiscalWeekInQuarter / 5 As bit)
, FiscalMonth544 = (FiscalWeekInQuarter - 2) / 4 + 1 - (FiscalWeekInQuarter / 14)
, FiscalWeekInMonth544 = (FiscalWeekInQuarter - 2) % 4 + 2 - cast(FiscalWeekInQuarter / 6 As bit) + (FiscalWeekInQuarter / 14 * 4)
, FiscalMonth445 = ((pd.FiscalWeekInQuarter - 1) / 4) - (pd.FiscalWeekInQuarter / 13) + 1
, FiscalWeekInMonth445 = ((pd.FiscalWeekInQuarter - 1) % 4) + (pd.FiscalWeekInQuarter / 13 * 4 + 1)
From iTally As t
Cross Apply fsYears As yr
Cross Apply (Values ((yr.FiscalEnd - yr.FiscalStart) / 7 + 1)) As wk(WeeksInYear)
Cross Apply (Values (yr.FiscalStart + t.Number)) As jd(JulianDayNumber)
Cross Apply (Values (@restated & wk.WeeksInYear / 53)) As rc(Restated)
Cross Apply (Values (((jd.JulianDayNumber - yr.FiscalStart) / 7) + 1 - rc.Restated)) As fw(FiscalWeek)
Cross Apply (Values (((fw.FiscalWeek - 1) % 13 + 1) + (fw.FiscalWeek / 53 * 13))) As pd(FiscalWeekInQuarter)
Select jd.FiscalYear
, Restated = @restated
, DimDateID = jdn.y * 10000 + jdn.m * 100 + jdn.d
, jd.JulianDayNumber
, FiscalDate = jdn.OutputDateTime
, FiscalStart = fs.OutputDateTime
, FiscalEnd = fe.OutputDateTime
, jd.OrdinalDay
, jd.USDayInWeek
, jd.ISODayInWeek
, jd.FiscalWeek
, jd.FiscalDayInWeek
, jd.FiscalQuarter
, jd.FiscalWeekInQuarter
, jd.FiscalMonth454
, jd.FiscalWeekInMonth454
, jd.FiscalMonth544
, jd.FiscalWeekInMonth544
, FiscalMonth445 = iif(e1.Fiscal445NotRestated = 1, jd.FiscalMonth454, jd.FiscalMonth445)
, FiscalWeekInMonth445 = iif(e1.Fiscal445NotRestated = 1, jd.FiscalWeekInMonth454, jd.FiscalWeekInMonth445)
From jdnDates As jd
Cross Apply dbo.fnGetDateFromJDN(jd.JulianDayNumber) As jdn
Cross Apply dbo.fnGetDateFromJDN(jd.FiscalStart) As fs
Cross Apply dbo.fnGetDateFromJDN(jd.FiscalEnd) As fe
Cross Apply (Values (jd.FiscalQuarter / 4 & jd.WeeksInYear / 53 & ~@restated)) As e1(Fiscal445NotRestated)
Where jd.FiscalWeek Between 1 And jd.WeeksInYear;